2013年11月25日 星期一


全國人大常委會副秘書長兼基本法委員會主任李飛、全國人大常委會法工委副主任兼基本法委員會副主任張榮順,mini storage將於明(二十一)日至二十三日訪港三天。特區政府新聞處在昨日發布的新聞稿中稱,李、張二人此行是應政務司司長林鄭月娥之邀,訪問主要目的是與政府主要官員、部門首長及社會人士就《基本法》與特區政治體制有關的議題進行交流,期間將會禮節性拜訪特首梁振英、出席林鄭所設午宴,並將與香港大律師公會和香港律師會會面交流。李飛、張榮順此來,可說來得「��正好」,正是特區普選議題將要正式提上日程的關鍵時候。由特首梁振英委任的政務司司長林鄭月娥、律政司司長袁國強、政制及內地事務局局長譚志源「政改諮詢三人組」,已經準備在十二月中即聖誕長假期前向立法會提交關於二○一七普選特首及二○一六立法會選舉的諮詢文件,展開公眾諮詢工作,而李飛、張榮順二人此來非由特首所邀,而是應「諮詢三人組」組長林鄭月娥的邀請,則二人此行與諮詢工作的依法啟動、依法進行,特別是在一些關鍵要點問題上的導正航向、釋疑解惑,其重要性自是不言而喻了。還有值得注意的是,新聞處稿件中特別提到,李飛、張榮順此行將會與香港大律師公會及香港律師會會面交流。此一陳述,顯然別有深意,個中「玄機」同樣不言而喻:二○一七普選行政長官,說到底就是一個依法辦事的問題,而這個「法」,就是《基本法》與全國人大常委會的有關解釋和決定,作為法律工作者對此應有更深入和更準確的認識,有助開展諮詢和日後普選工作的依法進行,因此強調與兩個律師團體的會面交流也就不足為奇了。那麼,李飛、張榮順此行將會為二○一七特首普選帶來些什麼重要的意見與啟示?可以確信,李、張二人此行,帶來的首先將是中央希望見到特區落實普選的善意、信心和誠意。此語絕非虛言。中央如非確有此心,不會有《基本法》第四十五條「最終達至由普選產生」的規定;中央若無此意,就不會有二○○四年的人大「釋法」與二○○七年的有關「決定」,甚至不會有李飛、張榮順二人此次的訪港之行。二人此來,不是要拖普選、壓普選,而是要協助港人推動普選、落實普選,而其「獨門秘方」就是再一次重申和提醒港人:普選必須依法而行,只有依法,才能讓普選這條船不偏離航道揚帆向前,否則就會有迷失方向,以至「陰溝翻船」之虞。如在提名方面,《基本法》和人大解釋及決定都已經講得很清楚,二○一七普選特首要有提名委員會,組成辦法可按照現行的選舉委員會即工商金融、專業、社工教師宗教、政界四大界別各佔四分一組成,這是一項嚴肅的憲制和法律規定,不能違反,二○一七普選特首按此法組成提名委員會,就叫依法辦事,選舉就能水到渠成,反之,堅持要搞什麼「公民提名」、「十萬人提名」,就是不依法辦事,普選就只能觸礁鎩羽、無功而還。李飛、張榮順此行,帶來中央誠意、帶來重要提示,港人要普選,就必須相信中央、依法辦事,成敗得失也就盡在其中矣。2013-11-20Li and Zhang's visit helpful to pursue universalsuffrage in accordance with the lawDeputy Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of theNational People's Congress (NPCSC) and Chairman of the BasicLaw Committee Li Fei and Vice-Chairperson of the NPCSC'sLegislative Affairs Commission and Basic Law Committee ZhangRongshun will visit Hong Kong from November 21 to 23.According to a news release by the Information Services Departmentof the SAR Government yesterday, Li and Zhang come to visit HongKong at the invitation of Chief Secretary Carrie Lam ChengYuet-ngor. They will exchange views with Hong Kong seniorofficials, department heads and community members on issues relatingto the Basic Law and the political structure of Hong Kong. Duringthe visit, they will also pay a courtesy call on the Chief Executive(CE)and attend a luncheon hosted by the Chief Secretary, and willmeet with the Bar Association and the Law Society.It could be said Li and Zhang's visit is "right on time", at thecrucial moment when the issue of universal suffrage in the SAR isabout to be formally put on the agenda. Appointed by CE LeungChun-ying, the trio task force to prepare for consultation on thepolitical reform, which consists of Chief Secretary Carrie Lam,Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung and Secretary forConstitutional and Mainland Affairs Raymond Tam Chi-yuen, isprepared to present to the Legislative Council (Legco) consultationdocuments on the CE election by universal suffrage in 2017 and theformation of Legco in 2016 before the long holiday of Christmas andthen start public consultation. Li and Zhang's visit is at the invitationof the head of the trio group, Carrie Lam, not of the CE. Thisindicates their visit is related to the start and proceeding of theconsultation in accordance with the law, and particularly to help guidethe right direction and dispel doubts and clean up confusions. Theimportance of their visit is self-evident.Another thing worthy of attention is that the news release mentionedthat Li and Zhang would also meet and exchange views with the BarAssociation and the Law Society. This statement is obviously ofsignificance. The "implication" is also self-evident: the CE electionby universal suffrage in 2017 in the final analysis is a matter offollowing laws, and "laws" here refer to the Basic Law and relevantNPCSC's interpretations and decision. Of this, legal professionalsshould have a more profound and accurate 迷你倉nderstanding and hencebe of help to carry on the consultations and election by universalsuffrage in accordance with the law. Therefore, it is nothing strangefor their meeting and exchange with the two organisations of lawyers.Then, what important opinions and inspirations Li and Zhang willbring to us for the CE election by universal suffrage in 2017? It canbe certain that, in the first place, they will bring us the CentralGovernment's hope to see the implementation of universal suffrage inthe SAR with good-will, confidence and sincerity. These are by nomeans empty words. The Central Government genuinely has such anintention, or there would have been no such stipulation as "Theultimate aim is the selection (of the Chief Executive) by universalsuffrage" in Article 45 of the Basic Law. If the Central Governmenthad no such intention, there would have been no NPCSC'sinterpretation in 2004 and decision in 2007, nor the visit to HongKong by Li Fei and Zhang Rongshun this time. The two come toHong Kong not to prolong or suppress universal suffrage but to helpHong Kong people promote and implement universal suffrage. Andtheir "unique secret formula" is to once again reiterate and remindHong Kong people:universal suffrage must be pursued in accordancewith the law. Only in this way, can the ship of universal suffrage notdeviate from the course and sail ahead. Otherwise, there will be thedanger of it being lost in its direction or even capsized. For instance,with regard to the nomination, the Basic Law and NPCSC'sinterpretations and decisions have made it very clear that there shall bea nominating committee whose composition could follow the existingElection Committee with members from each of the four sectors –business and financial , professional, social welfare, labour andreligious, and political–accounting for a quarter of the total. This is aserious constitutional and legal stipulation, which is inviolable.Forming a nominating committee for the 2017 CE election isfollowing laws, and in this way, the election by universal suffrage willbe succeeded. On the contrary, insisting on so-called "nomination bypetition" or "nomination by 100,000 signatures" is not following laws,and in that way, universal suffrage can only be anything butsuccessful.Coming to visit Hong Kong this time, Li Fei and Zhang Rongshunbring the Central Government's sincerity and bring an importantreminder:if Hong Kong People want to have universal suffrage, theymust trust the Central Government and pursue it in accordance withthe law. This is the very key to the successful implementation ofuniversal suffrage.20 November 2013WORDS AND USAGERight on time (idiom)-At the correct time; no later thanthe specified time.(時間正好,準時)Examples: 1. Tom always shows up right on time.2. If you get there right on time, you'll get one ofthe free tickets.Consist of (phrasal verb)–To be formed from the people orthings mentioned. ( 由… 組成)Examples: 1. The U.S. Senate consists of two elected officialsfrom each state.2. Breakfast consisted of dry bread and a cup of tea.Clean sth up (phrasal verb)- To settle or dispose of something.(清理,整頓)Examples: 1. Can you clean this place up a little?2. He cleaned up all the bills that had arrived duringhis vacation.Refer to sb or sth (phrasal verb)–To describe or be connectedto someone or something.(涉及,指的是)Examples: 1. He always refers to the house as his "refuge".2. Are you referring to me when you speak about akind and helpful person?Anything but (idiom)–Certainly not.(根本不…,絕不…)Examples: 1. She's meant to be really nice but she was anythingbut nice when I met her.2. The plans were anything but definite.文件倉

