2013年8月31日 星期六

Making sense of typhoons from the eye of the storm

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World Scene

"Twerk", a provocative dance move that has gone viral, and "selfie", a photograph taken of oneself using a phone, are two new words added to the Oxford English Dictionary on Wednesday.迷你倉新蒲崗 The dictionary has included words such as "twerk", "selfie", "digital detox" and the social media meaning of the verb "unlike" in its latest quarterly update to reflect the increasing use of technology and social media.Nigerian boy flies to Lagos, hiding in airplane wheel cavity A Nigerian teenager hid in the wheel compartment of an airplane and survived a half-hour flight to the commercial hub of Lagos from his hometown of Benin, Arik Air said on Sunday. Daniel Ihekina evaded airport security and snuck into the tire section of the flight just before the wheels went up for take off on Saturday, airline spokesman Ola Adebanji said by telephone. Passengers spotted him emerging from the wheel cavity in Benin and alerted the staff.Modest start for Switzerland's first drive-in 'sex boxes' Greeted by a press pack rather than prostitutes, the first customer to roll up to Switzerland's sex drive-in on opening night took one lap of the facility before making a hasty exit. The second car, a family vehicle driven by a man in sunglasses under cloudy evening skies, broke down and needed jump starting in front of a host of photographers, sniggering into their cameras. Zurich authorities had said they expected a modest start to the country's first so-called "sex boxes", a row of drive-in wooden garages on a looping track.Kazakh club warned by UEFA over sheep slaughter Kazakhstan champions Shakhtar Karagandy have been warned that they could face disciplinary action if they slaughter any more sheep before European games, UEFA said on Wednesday. Animal rights group PETA last week called on UEFA to ban the ritual slaughter of animals after reports that Shakhter had killed a sheep before their Champions League playoff tie at home to Celtic, which they won 2-0.Maine 'hermit' pleads not guilty to stealing to support himself A Maine man who lived in the woods with nearly no human contact for 27 years, supporting himself by stealing food and supplies, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to seven counts of burglary and six of theft. Since his capture, 47-year-old Christopher Knight has been the s迷你倉出租bject of a documentary, countless media stories, received marriage proposals and a "no-strings-attached" offer by a stranger to pay his bail.Russian police seize painting of Putin in women's underwear Police seized a painting of Russia's president and prime minister in women's underwear from a gallery in St. Petersburg, saying the satirical display had broken unspecified laws. The officers also removed a picture of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, his torso covered in tattoos, and two others poking fun at lawmakers who have backed legislation banning so-called gay propaganda, gallery staff said.Frustrated fan buys TV rights to World Cup qualifier Frustrated by a lack of TV coverage of his team, a soccer fan has bought the Australian TV rights for Ireland's World Cup qualifier against Sweden to ensure that Irish down under don't miss the crunch clash. David Feeney said he was so frustrated at not being able to watch his team on television that he decided to buy the rights himself. Originally from Dublin, Feeney contacted a friend involved in broadcasting in Ireland before making a bid to Kentaro, the German media company that owned the broadcast rights.Classic Japan antiwar comic stirs history controversy A Japanese school board's bid to limit children's access to a classic antiwar comic has sparked an outcry from those who fear the move is part of a trend to whitewash the country's wartime past. The furor, which grabbed headlines this week, echoes concerns about Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's conservative agenda to recast Japan's wartime history in a less apologetic tone. Keiji Nakazawa's manga, Barefoot Gen, is based on the author's own experience of the Aug 6, 1945, atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and tells of the struggle of a boy whose father and siblings were killed.Florida to call on Labrador retrievers to stem snail invasion Florida officials trying to eradicate the Giant African Land Snail, one of the world's most destructive invasive species, plan to deploy a new weapon in the battle - Labrador retrievers. State agriculture authorities say they hope the dogs will add to their success in fighting an infestation of the slimy snails, which were first spotted by a homeowner nearly two years ago and quickly swept through the Miami area.Reuters迷你倉

Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn., Pulse on Health column

Source: Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn.儲存Aug. 31--The Minnesota Department of Health plans to reassess its suicide-prevention efforts after analyzing 2011 data.State officials say the number of people who died by suicide in the state rose 13 percent, mostly due to deaths among middle-aged men and those up to age 59, mirroring a national trend.Psychiatrist Dr. Timothy Lineberry, psychiatric-hospital medical director at Mayo Clinic, said suicide is multi-faceted, complex and unique to each individual.Research has shown that economic issues can increase the rate of suicides, he said, which is why some suspect that the recession may have played a role in Minnesota's rates. But he cautions data is hard to interpret because Minnesota's numbers are low and it's hard to spot trends until larger, national numbers get included. Also, Lineberry said, veterans are at greater risk.ButMelissa Neinen, suicide prevention coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Health, said the rate among Minnesota veterans remains unclear because it's not known how many veterans there are in the state.Lineberry said that's because some Minnesota veterans are attached to military units based in other states, some personnel come from other states and are based with Minnesota units, many are reservists and others are National Guard.Lineberry emphasized that about 90 percent of all persons who die by suicide have an underlying mental illness.Suicide is preventable and the underlying illness is treatable, he said. That's why its so important to seek help immediately.Although Minnesota's rate of 12.4 per 100,000 residents in 2011 "was the highest since the early 1990s," suicide still remains uncommon. Minnesota remains the state with the 10th-lowest rate of suicide in the country, Neinen said.From 2010 to 2011, suicides in Minnesota increased:-- from 10.2 to 13.8 per 100,000 residents older than 65.-- from 5 per 100,000 to 5.7 per 100,000 in residents 24 and younger.-- from 606 total individuals in 2010 to 684 total in 2011, out of more than 5 million Minnesota residents.The Department of Health noted mental illness, substance abuse, history of trauma and impulsive behavior can all contribute to a person's risk, as cana painful loss, social isolation, hopeless feelings, belief by the individual that he or she is a burden and avoiding or not asking for help.Neinen said suicide, rather than being a long-term, planned event, is often impulsive. There are "protective factors" that can help prevent suicide. Those, Neinen said, include feeling socially connected.Thus, she said, if you have a relationship with someone at risk of suicide, it can be helpful to call and then go out for dinner o新蒲崗迷你倉 a movie. If you are worried about yourself, she said, it's been shown that volunteering can help you feel socially connected. United Way 211 helps connect people to volunteer opportunities. Dial 2-1-1 from any Minnesota landline phone or 800-543-7709 on cellphones.Another activity shown by research to increase positive feelings is exercise.Exercise, going out for the evening or volunteering are not replacements for getting urgent help in the event someone is actively talking about a sense of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts or plans to die by suicide. If that happens, seek medical help immediately.Neinen emphasized that suicide is preventable, that there is hope and that help is available.People who think about suicide do not want to die but "they just want to remove the pain," she said. That's why seeking medical care can help, because health professionals can help find the right treatment.The Health Department indicates it plans to increase efforts to prevent suicide, particularly among high-risk groups, such as middle-aged adults."Everyone in Minnesota has a role to play in preventing suicides," said Dr. Dan Reidenberg, executive director of Suicide Awareness Voices for Education. "By knowing the warning signs and what to do if you are concerned about someone, you can save a life."The Health Department says warning signs include:1. Talking about wanting to die.2. Looking for a way to kill oneself.3. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose.4. Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.5. Talking about being a burden to others.6. Increasing the use of alcohol or other drugs.7. Acting anxious, agitated or reckless.8. Sleeping too little or too much, withdrawing or feeling isolated.9. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.10. Displaying extreme mood swings.The more signs exhibited, the greater the risk.What can you do?-- Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). After the message you will be connected with a trained call-taker. Veterans can connect with a veterans crisis line if they prefer.-- Do not leave the person alone.-- Remove firearms, alcohol, drugs or sharp objects that could be used in a suicide attempt.-- Take the person to an emergency room or seek help from a medical or mental health professional.Health reporter Jeff Hansel writes the Pulse on Health column every Monday. Follow him on Twitter @JeffHansel.---- Dodge -- 5-- Fillmore -- 3-- Goodhue -- 8-- Houston -- 2-- Mower -- 8-- Olmsted -- 16-- Steele -- 5-- Wabasha -- 4-- Winona -- 4Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Post-Bulletin Visit the Post-Bulletin at .postbulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

滇川交界5.9級地震已致3人遇難 余震逾300次最大4.5級,震區暫無上海遊客受影響

8月31日拍攝的迪慶州香格里拉縣尼西鄉幸福村受損房屋。均新華社記者 張可任 攝 救援人員給搜救犬喂水。綜合新華社8月31日電 8月31日早晨8時04分,mini storage雲南省迪慶州香格里拉縣、德欽縣與四川省得榮縣交界處發生5.9級地震。地震目前已造成迪慶州3人死亡、36人受傷,大量民房倒塌或損毀,交通、電力、通信等基礎設施受損嚴重。雲南省省長李紀�率隊趕到災區全力開展抗震救災工作。據迪慶州"8·31"抗震救災指揮部確認核實,截至8月31日20時30分,地震造成迪慶州3人死亡,死者均系德欽籍人在香格里拉縣境內遇難,此前其中有1人被兩縣報重;36人受傷。此次5.9級地震距8月28日當地發生5.1級地震僅3天,兩次地震災害疊加,使迪慶再受重創。地震發生後,國道214線香格里拉縣城至尼西鄉交通多處中斷,沿途有山體垮塌現象;德欽縣城至奔子欄鎮交通多處受阻,奔子欄鎮通信、供電中斷,德欽縣城全城停電。初步統計,地震造成迪慶州2個縣19個鄉鎮近6萬人受災,民房倒塌484戶。雲南省地震局局長皇甫崗介紹,此次地震與上次5.1級地震的震中相距10公里,同處於德欽—香格里拉斷裂帶上,應定名為"雲南香格里拉、德欽、四川得榮5.1級—5.9級地震"。截至晚上19時,已發生余震超過300次,最大余震為4.5級。他表示,此次地震self storage員傷亡較少,是因為上次地震作了預警,而且災區人口密度小。地震發生後,雲南省緊急�動地震應急三級響應。省長李紀�率隊趕到災區開展工作並慰問受災群�。雲南省民政廳廳長段麗元介紹,雲南民政部門緊急向迪慶地震災區調撥5000頂帳篷、4000張折疊床、4000個床墊、8000床棉被和8000件大衣。此外,民政部決定向雲南迪慶災區調運2000頂帳篷、1萬床棉被和1萬件大衣。此前28日地震發生後,已有大批帳篷、棉被等救災物資調撥並發放到位,受災群�基本上已得到妥善安置。本報訊(記者 郭藝珺)記者從上海旅遊局獲悉,截至記者發稿時,暫無接到上海旅行團受滇川交界地震影響的報告,滬上旅行社將根據後續情況調整相關遊客行程。據悉,地震發生在梅里雪山和四川交界處,屬於高海拔地區,並非遊客會涉足和聚集的景區地段。雲南地震發生以後,上海大通旅遊稱,旅行社目前暫時沒有在香格里拉的遊客,已在第一時間通知下屬門店,暫停涉及川滇交界的旅遊報名,並提醒去四川、雲南的遊客注意安全。上海國旅相關負責人介紹說,地震發生前,已有兩名通過國旅報名的上海自由行遊客,從香格里拉出發去昆明,沒有受到地震影響。9月4日前,計劃有4名從上海出發去雲南的自由行遊客,途中涉及震區的行程會根據後續實際情況而定。上海旅遊局表示,將密切關注有關情況和信息。迷你倉

全國版) - (徐少華會見格魯吉亞客人 推動廣州第比利斯 結成友好城市

南方日報訊 (記者/駱驍驊 實習生/梁欣瑩)昨日,文件倉省委常委、常務副省長徐少華在廣州會見了格魯吉亞共和國第比利斯市議會主席伊拉克里·什黑亞什維利一行。徐少華首先對伊拉克里·什黑亞什維利一行表示歡迎。他說,近年來,廣東與格魯吉亞在經貿、旅遊等方面的合作日益密切,雙邊關係取得了可喜的發展。廣東既是中國的貿易大省,也是旅遊大省,雙方在旅遊業上的合作空間巨大,應全面推進存倉遊資源開發、市場宣傳推介、旅客權益保護等方面的交流合作。廣州市與第比利斯市合作基礎扎實,城市友誼深厚,願意積極推動兩地結成友好城市,進一步加強溝通交流,推進各領域的合作走向深入。伊拉克里·什黑亞什維利對廣東的熱情接待表示感謝。他表示,廣州城市綠地面積占比高,生態環境優美,環境保護得力,值得第比利斯市借鑒學習,希望兩地儘快結為友好城市,繼續加快推動環保等領域的合作。迷你倉


本報訊(記者周斌)8月31日8時04分,自存倉雲南省迪慶州香格里拉縣、德欽縣 與四川省得榮縣交界處發生5.9級地震。地震目前已造成迪慶州3人死亡、36人受傷,大量民房倒塌或損毀,交通、電力、通信等基礎設施受損嚴重。昨日,長沙一旅行社負責人告訴記者,雲南一直是長沙遊客出行的傳統目的地之一,線路主要選擇昆明、麗江、西雙版納,近年來隨著香格里拉名聲鵲起,赴雲南旅遊的湖南遊客中,有兩成左右會選擇前往昨日發生地迷你倉新蒲崗的雲南迪慶藏族自治州香格里拉縣。該負責人預計,這部分業務將受到一定影響。記者通過查詢發現,湖南某旅行社昨日上午正好有一個"昆明大理麗江香格里拉雙飛8天游"的旅遊團隊從長沙出發到達昆明,原計劃9月3日由麗江趕往香格里拉,還將在當地遊覽世界落差最大的峽谷之一虎跳峽。記者昨晚聯繫到該公司相關負責人時,對方表示尚未接到這個團隊改變計劃的通知,但公司會密切關注情況變化,以遊客安全第一為原則。相關報道見A4版迷你倉出租

Grading the Storylines

Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉出租Aug. 30--In Thursday's Tulsa World, Bill Haisten listed three Golden Hurricane storylines for the Tulsa-Bowling Green game. Here are Haisten's grades on how TU performed in those key areas:The effect of Nelson's suspensionTulsa was without its most experienced defender as senior safety Demarco Nelson -- a veteran of 39 starts -- was suspended due to an academic issue. The Hurricane offense entered with seven returning starters, while the Hurricane defense played with seven first-time starters -- and yet the TU defense had a better game overall, particularly in defending against the pass. Bowling Green finished with 396 total yards, but Falcon QBs Matt Schilz and Matt Johnson were below average in the passing game -- a combined 12-of-28 for only 163 yards. Tulsa's primary problem was its run defense. The Falcons rushed for 233 yards and three TDs, averaging 4.4 yards per attempt.Can Tulsa's rebuilt line hold up against an excellent Falcon defense?With three new starters (Garrett Stafford at left tackle, Gabe Moyer at center, Davis Walton at right tackle), the Hurricane was OK on pass protection. There were 41 pass attempts, and Bowling Green -- a team that ranked among national sack leaders last season -- managed only one sack for minus-2 yards. Time will tell whether this Falcon defense is good or really, really good, but TU got next to nothing when attempting to run the football. Last season, Tulsa averaged 245.7 rush yards per game. The stat of the night -- Tulsa ran for only 51 yards against Bowling Green. TU averaged only 2.1 yards per attempt and never had a ground gain of more than 7 yards.Cody Green's accuracyLast season, Tulsa quarterback Cody Green completed 54 percent of his passes. Against Bowling Green, he completed 50 percent. Last week, Hurricane coach Bill Blankenship said, "... The 15-yards-and-under passing game, where we can dink it and dunk it around -- we're much improved in that area. The chemistry between (Green) and the receivers -- there's no question that we're much improved there." But against a Bowling Green squad that last season was No. 6 nationally in total defense, the chemistry was shaky. TU receivers fairly consistently got open (particularly, it seemed, in the middle of the field), but there were just too many errant passes. Some underthrown, some overthrown.FIRST QUARTERTulsa 0 -- 0Bowling Green 3 -- 3Key play: Tyler Tate knocks home a 34-yard field goal for a 3-0 lead. Bowling Green drive died at TU 16.Key stat: In his first in-game attempt at TU, Carl Salazar missed 37-yard field goal wide right. The drive was kept alive by 37-yard pass to Jordan James.Number to know: 1. Cody Green got off to a slow start, hitting just 1 of his first 5 passes.SECOND QUARTERTulsa 0 0 -- 0Bowling Green 3 3 -- 6Key play: An 18-yard scramble by Bowling Green quarterback Matt Johnson kept alive scoring drive just before half.Key stat: Cody Green was 9-of-20 for 116 yards in first half. Four of those completions were swing passes to running back Trey Watts.Number to know: 2. Tulsa has missed two short field goals. Bowling Green has made two short field goals. That's the first-half difference.THIRD QUARTERTulsa 0 0 0 -- 0Bowling Green 3 3 7 -- 13Key play: Bowling Green hit a 19-yard pass on third down to convert what was a first and 25. Then, the Falcons followed with a 37-yard run.Key stat: One fake punt for TU; one failed fake punt for TU.Number to know: 6. That's how many plays it took Bowling Green to drive 75 yards for TD to open half and take 13-0 lead.FOURTH QUA迷你倉TERTulsa 0 0 0 7 -- 7Bowling Green 3 3 7 21 -- 34Key play: Where do we begin? Fumbled punt. Punt returned for TD. We'll vote for crushing TD at start of quarter following failed fake punt.Key stat: 16 and 8. That's how far the clinching drives were for Bowling Green following a failed fake punt and fumbled punt.Number to know: 27. Only good thing all night for Tulsa. A 27-yard TD pass from backup Dane Evans late in the game and TU trailing by 34 points.STATISTICSTulsa 0 0 0 7 -- 7BOWLING GREEN 3 3 7 21 -- 34A: 18,142FIRST QUARTERBG: Tyler Tate 34 FG, 3:29SECOND QUARTERBG: Tate, 28 FG, :02THIRD QUARTERBG: William Houston 1 run (Tate kick), 12:09FOURTH QUARTERBG: Houston 1 run (Tate kick), 13:52BG: Houston 1 run (Tate kick), 7:34BG: Ryan Burbrink 67 punt return, 6:48TU: Derek Patterson 27 pass from Dane Evans, :45TEAM STATISTICSTU OPPScoring 7 34First downs 12 23by rushing 2 13by passing 9 9by penalty 1 1Rushing yards 51 233Passing yards 222 163Offensive plays 65 81Total yards 273 396Avg. per play 4.2 4.9Kick returns-Yds 2-130 7-409Punt returns-Yds 3-15 3-76Interceptions-Yds 1-11 0-0Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0Penalties-Yds 4-25 6-45Punts-Avg. 7-38.1 7-39.33rd downs 6-17 3-134th downs 0-2 3-13Sacks by-Yds 1-3 1-2INDIVIDUAL LEADERSTulsaY/A=Yards/attempt; Y/G=Yards/gameRUSHING No. Yds TD LgJ. Douglas 12 27 0 7C. Green 5 16 0 7T. Watts 4 11 0 7K. Lucas 1 5 0 5D. Evans 1 2 0 2C. Way 1 0 0 0PASSING C-A Yds Int TDC. Green 17-34-0 172 0 0D. Evans 3-7-0 50 0 0RECEIVING No. Yds TD LgK. Garrett 5 54 0 20T. Watts 5 33 0 16J. James 3 58 0 37D. Patterson 3 45 1 27J. Douglas 2 2 0 2T. Wilson 1 15 0 15K. Lucas 1 15 0 15PUNT RETURNS No. Yds Avg. TDT. Watts 3 15 5.0 0KICK RETURNS No. Yds Avg. TDT. Watts 3 66 22.0 25K. Lucas 1 29 29.0 29D. Walker 1 23 23.0 23Z. Langer 1 2 2.0 2PUNTING No. Yds Avg. I20D. Parks 2 67 33.5 1C. Way 5 200 40.0 0KICKING FG-A Long PATC. Salazar 0-2 0 1-1TACKLES Solo Ast. Total TFL SacksM. Mudoh 6 11 17 0 0M. Osborne 4 7 11 1 0T. Martin 4 6 10 2 1B. White 6 3 9 0 0D. Walker 5 1 6 1 0S. Jackson 5 0 5 0 0B. Todd 1 3 4 0.5 0D. Dobbins 3 0 3 0 0D. Luetjen 0 3 3 0.5 0H. Carman 2 0 2 0 0J. Sizelove 1 1 2 0 0C. Hummingbird 1 1 2 1.5 0C. Buehner 0 2 2 0 0S. Norman 1 0 1 0 0A. Mcdaniel 1 0 1 0 0M. Linscott 1 0 1 0 0J. Brubaker 1 0 1 0 0C. Rahmings 0 1 1 0.5 0J. Brady 0 1 1 0 0D. Jennings 0 1 1 0 0W. Barrow 0 1 1 0 0BOWLING GREENY/A=Yards/attempt; Y/G=Yards/gameRUSHING No. Yds TD LgT. Greene 22 96 0 12M. Johnson 9 53 0 18R. Moore 2 42 0 37W. Houston 10 29 3 8F. Coppet 8 30 0 9PASSING C-A Yds Int TDM. Johnson 11-23 151 1 0M. Schilz 1-4 12 0 0RECEIVING No. Yds TD LgS. Joplin 2 40 0 21C. Gallon 3 31 0 14T. Beck 2 25 0 13R. Burbrink 2 24 0 12R. Moore 1 18 0 18C. Pohlman 1 13 0 13A. Bayer 1 12 0 12PUNT RETURNS No. Yds Avg. TDR. Burbrink 3 76 25.3 67KICK RETURNS No. Yds Avg. TDR. Moore 1 29 29.0 0PUNTING No. Yds Avg. I20B. Schmiedebusch 7 275 39.3 4KICKING FG-A Long PATT. Tate 2/2 34 4/4TACKLES Solo Ast. Total TFL SacksB. Gates 5 2 7 1 0C. Truss 5 2 7 0 0P. Swan 3 4 7 0.5 0D.J. Lynch 2 3 5 0 0R. Goble 1 4 5 1 0R. Ward 3 0 3 0 0K. Montgomery 3 0 3 1 1B. Thomas 2 1 3 1 0R. Moore 1 2 3 0 0G. Martin 2 0 2 0 0A. Foster 2 0 2 0 0J. Ford 2 0 2 0 0P. Senn 1 1 2 0 0J. Campbell 0 2 2 0.5 0C. Brown 1 0 1 0 0C. Gallon 1 0 1 0 0J. Hopgood 1 0 1 0 0Z. Colvin 1 0 1 0 0C. Pohlman 1 0 1 0 0G. Hohenstein 0 1 1 0 0T. Ouellet 0 1 1 0 0V. Osborne 0 1 1 0 0B. Sutton 0 1 1 0 0W. Watson 0 1 1 0 0Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

2013年8月30日 星期五


智慧手機市場競爭激烈,新蒲崗迷你倉宏達電今年營運挑戰不斷,宏達電董事長王雪紅與執行長周永明向來強調人的重要性,徵才計畫也持續不斷。 其中研發、技術、機電、工業設計等人才,更是下半年徵才焦點。 宏達電人才資源部副總經理劉筠棋表示,宏達電總部設在台灣,但宏達電是國際公司,在全球各地設有分公司,每年在全球約要招募500至1,000位員工,下半年的徵才計畫仍將持續,主要以研發、技術、電機、工業設計、資管、機構件、企管等專才為主。 宏達電是台灣少數在國際市場打出自有品牌的廠商,過去曾與微軟合作推出第一款智慧型手機,後來蘋果推出iPhone,帶動智慧手機風潮及宏達電營收成長。目前智慧手機占全球手機出貨比重已超越功能手機。 重視創新活力品格 宏達電面對蘋果及非蘋陣營新機搶攻市場,大陸本土品牌以高規低價搶市,加上去年與蘋果的專利官司,雖已順利和解,但市場競爭加劇,使宏達電市占面臨下滑。 王雪紅表示,對經營團隊深具信心,也陸續宣布推出庫藏股、員工認股憑證,宣示公司對未來前景及留才的信心與決心。 劉筠棋指出,宏達電的徵才計畫,主要根據各部門的需求進行,也是以全球的人才為招募對象。宏達電對員工的基本要求主要有創新、活力、簡單、品格,要有國際觀,想要跟別人不一樣,希望能站在世界舞台發光發熱為主。 目前宏達電外籍主管約占三分之一,劉筠棋表示,對於來自不同文化、背景的同事,初期人才資源部都會密集與他們在一起,解決例如租屋、小孩就學等問題。另外,直屬主管也會花更多時間,協助解決問題。一般來說,來自不同文化背景的同仁適應期約是六個月,這個期間人才資源部與主管會給予更多關注以及語言訓練補助,希望加速適應。 mini storage擴大舉辦HTC DNA 事實上,除廣徵全球人才,宏達電培育人才也向下扎根,今年擴大舉辦HTC DNA計畫,共招募80位國內外碩、博士及大學實習生。 今年HTC DNA計畫為第二屆舉辦,去年以國內的大學生為主,共招募63位實習生,今年擴大到海外的大學,3月開始招募以來,共收到3,500多封履歷,經過審核,共有來自35個海內外學校的博士(1位)、碩士(42位)、大學生(37位),共80位實習生獲選,錄取率約2%。 劉筠棋指出,這些實習生將前往研發、業務與行銷、財務、法務、媒體公關等單位實習,實際參與部門事務與運作,兩個月後回到校園,將成為品牌大使,協助宏達電了解與深耕年輕族群市場。 透過HTC DNA計畫,宏達電也希望提供學生國際人才交流舞台,明年還將擴大辦理,希望招募來自歐洲、南亞等地的實習生。透過校園合作,若有表現優異及合適的人才,也會招聘成為正式員工。 劉筠棋表示,今年宏達電也與大學、研究所、博士班等建立關係,招募有意實習的學生,一周來兩、三天在企業內部實習,目前以研發、技術的人才為主。這個計畫是一項新的人才培育計畫,預定招募200位學生。劉筠棋指出,這項計畫主要針對例如大四或即將畢業的學生,在可兼顧學業的情況下,若希望進入企業內部先行實習,累積工作經驗,宏達電會提供機會,除落實企業社會責任,也為未來的人才先行訓練,一旦畢業或服完兵役,希望好的人才可以回到宏達電服務。 宏達電人才招募計畫 全球性徵才每年約500人到1,000人,視各部門需求徵才 大學及研究生實習200人,以技術、研發為主 暑期HTC DNA計畫暑期兩個月海內外大學生及碩博士生實習 資料來源:宏達電self storage


自存倉 【綜合外電報道】都市傳言各地皆有,有電視節目專門拆解箇中虛實,英國的一則都市傳言更需勞動警方親自解話。皆因當地有民眾誤信致電九九九緊急熱線能為手機充電,撥通電話後卻不說話,令警方大為頭痕。警須回撥確認安全這則傳言指撥打九九九後掛斷電話即能為手機充電,雖然已流傳近一年之久,但藉社交網絡的威力似乎愈趨流行。德比郡警方表示,常收到有人誤信傳言來電,接通後卻靜不作聲,警方均需回電確保對方安全,浪費了處理真正危難的寶貴時間。警方強調除了充電器,沒有辦法能為手機電池充電,呼籲民眾別再浪費雙方時間。有網民直斥即使傳言屬實,又怎能如此自私為充電小事報警。迷你倉新蒲崗

Mainland port shares rise on trade zone talk

自存倉 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/business/money/markets-investing/article/1300806/china-port-shares-rally-rise-10pc-daily-limit-free迷你倉新蒲崗

CONSOL Energy's Fola Operations Earn Regional Reclamation Award

PITTSBURGH, Aug.self storage 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- CONSOL Energy has been awarded the Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative's excellence in regional reforestation award recognizing reclamation efforts at the company's Fola operations complex in West Virginia.The award was presented during ARRI's annual meeting earlier this month in Flatwoods, WV. The Fola complex was also recognized as the West Virginia state winner in the 2012 ARRI awards program. State winners were also named for Pennsylvania, Maryland and Tennessee.The regional excellence award recognizes CONSOL Energy for "exemplary performance using the forest reclamation approach" at its Fola complex in Clay and Nicholas Counties in West Virginia, where some 2.3 million trees have been planted since 2002, reclaiming some 4,000 acres as forestland. An additional 300,000 trees are slated for planting in 2013.Katharine Fredriksen, CONSOL Energy senior vice president of environmental strategy and regulatory affairs, noted the reclamation award is indicative of CONSOL Energy's commitment to being a good steward of the environment."We consider being a good steward of the environment as one of the most important obligations we have," Fredriksen said. "To be honored as both the state and the regional ARRI award winner in recognition of our efforts further validates our commitment to our core value of compliance."To be eligible for the award, a site must be recommended by an inspector with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. Nominations for the award were submitted by Kelly Eades and Barry Curry, inspector specialists; and Paul Emerson, inspector.The nominating document noted that in early 1999, Fola began work on the first area destined for commercial forestry as its post mining land use. Fola, it is noted, was the first to use this approach in the Eastern U.S.In order to accomplish the forest reclamation app迷你倉oach, native topsoil was saved and stockpiled and it was then blended with the best available material to create a rooting/growth medium that fit native species requirements for both soil texture and fertility. A light seeding mix of non-competitive and non-invasive vegetation was used with the planting of a diverse tree mix of both early and late succession species and a few wildlife species. Among the trees planted were northern red oak, white oak, sycamore, sugar maple, white ash, black cherry, black locust, red bud and various pines.Eric McGlothlin, general mine foreman; Dave Bays, project engineer; and Mike Brown, mine engineer, accepted the ARRI award on behalf of CONSOL Energy.About CONSOL EnergyCONSOL Energy Inc. is a Pittsburgh-based producer of coal and natural gas. It has 12 bituminous coal mining complexes in four states and reports proven and probable coal reserves of 4.2 billion tons. The company's premium Appalachian coals are sold worldwide to electricity generators and steelmakers. In natural gas, CONSOL Energy has transformed itself from a pure-play coalbed methane producer to a full-fledged exploration and production company. The company is a leading producer in the Marcellus Shale and is transitioning its active exploration program into development mode in the Utica Shale. CONSOL Energy has proved natural gas reserves of 4.0 trillion cubic feet. Operational safety is the company's top core value and CONSOL Energy boasts a record of almost two times better than the industry average for underground bituminous coal mines. CONSOL Energy is a member of the Standard & Poor's 500 Equity Index and the Fortune 500. Additional information about CONSOL Energy can be found at its Web site: .consolenergy.com.CONSOL Energy Inc.CONTACT: Cathy St. Clair, Public Affairs Director - CAPP Coal/Southern GasOperations, CONSOL Energy, +1-276-498-8239Web site: .consolenergy.com/文件倉

Increased fracking raises water supply issue

Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.儲存M.Aug. 30--FARMINGTON -- The growth in hydraulic fracturing to expand oil and gas production in New Mexico is raising fresh questions about the amount of the state's scarce water needed to carry out the task, state legislators said Thursday.But a three-hour hearing on the subject involved more questions than answers. "We don't know the full picture," said Rep. Brian Egolf, D-Santa Fe.Hydraulic fracturing, also known as "fracking," involves injecting a high pressure solution of water, sand and chemicals down a well to free trapped oil and gas deep underground.It has led to record levels of oil production in New Mexico, primarily in the state's southeast, which overlies the Permian Basin oil reserves. That has led to oil companies buying water from farmers and cities, according to State Engineer Scott Verhines, the state's top water management official.But members of the Legislature's Water and Natural Resources Committee heard a wide range of numbers about how much water is really being used.Hydraulic fracturing has been used in the industry for decades. But new techniques have greatly expanded its application, allowing oil and gas producers to extract deposits that were previously inaccessible.Along with that bounty of new production, however, have come concerns about the amount of water needed when drilling is done in arid states, along with q新蒲崗迷你倉estions about the risk of contamination.In the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico, where Thursday's hearing was held, water use in coal mining, power plant cooling and agriculture dwarf the use of water in the oil and gas sector, committee members were told.Statewide, only one-fourth of 1 percent of the state's water is used in the oil and gas industry, said Karin Foster of the Independent Petroleum Producers Association.But that overall figure masks potential problems in small, water-scarce localities where drilling is underway, Egolf said.The problem, according to Egolf and others, is that the state lacks comprehensive data on how much water is being used now in hydraulic fracturing operations, how it has increased in recent years, and how it might rise as operations expand. That question is especially pertinent in the San Juan Basin, which oil and gas experts say could be on the verge of a major increase in hydraulic fracturing operations."Hydraulic fracturing is likely to be a part of our future," said L. Greer Price, director of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.Price said the Bureau of Geology is launching a project to begin to collect more data on the issue.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage


星期日全家起得晚,mini storage想到吃午飯的時候,已是下午了。開車到中環蘇豪區,橫街窄巷許多餐廳�,原來都是下午時光吃午飯的人,餐廳都敞開�門,華洋雜處,很是悠閒。遊客都沒那麼悠閒,一個韓國團圍�一堵塗鴉老牆拍照,韓國人高興起來樣子很激動,呼喊得好像遇到了世界文化遺產。相比之下,日本遊客和自由行到那�的大陸同胞都安安靜靜。走在路上姿態身影也悠閒得吻合環境,畢竟那�不是什麼「旅遊名勝」,來的人都有些品味。這個地方最令人自在的是新舊文化融和得那麼恰到好處,似乎什麼都可以在那�精精緻緻展現,貌似滿不self storage乎得來又不是一點都不在乎,比如在一家老得掉牙的廣東醬園邊上,便是一家新潮的意大利餐廳,老醬園斑駁的舊式鐵閘,並列在意大利餐廳敞亮的門面邊上,竟也不令人覺得突兀。於是你即使沒去買醬沒吃意大利菜,也品味了一下香港風情。若是個有文藝情懷的遊人見了,或許還會將此風情抒情為「東方遇到西方」,在空氣中聞到了清湯牛腩和香濃咖啡碰撞的味道。這也是香港的特色和精髓了。當上海人今天拼命在找回從前租界文化以示一種輝煌的時候,香港中環山坡上這一個小區,卻自自然然延續了一種跟「國民教育」無關的優良生活方式。迷你倉

RIVERSIDE: National Guard flies drone to Rim Fire

Source: The Press-Enterprise, Riverside, Calif.新蒲崗迷你倉Aug. 30--Americans might be uneasy about the idea of unmanned aircraft prowling their skies.But fire officials are almost giddy about how much information they're getting from a Predator drone that is flying above the Rim Fire near Yosemite National Park. They've been able use the aerial views to see through smoke, direct firefighters and provide timely and accurate maps.This is the first time an MQ-1 Predator -- the same unmanned craft used for missions in Afghanistan and Pakistan -- has been deployed by remote pilots at March Air Reserve Base to help fight a wildfire. The National Guard's 163rd Air Reconnaissance Wing sent the plane from its Victorville training facility on Tuesday evening, Aug. 27."What this has allowed us to get is real-time perimeter (information)," Cal Fire spokeswoman Julie Hutchinson said. "We're seeing spot fires that we might not have been able to identify before."Since 2007, NASA has provided an unmanned aircraft to gather information on several wildfires, but the information wasn't relayed in real time, the craft usually didn't fly at night and the duration of the flights was more limited.The Predator has the capability to troll the skies at 19,000 feet for 22 hours at a time. The nighttime data it provides with infrared cameras is particularly useful, said Lt. Col. Eric Fagerland, who has been flying some of the missions."The most important thing is getting accurate information on the position of the fire," Fagerland said. "Without this capability, (fire) crews show up in the morning looking at a map that's probably 20 hours old."Now, he said, they are looking at the perimeter of the fire that's only a few hours or possibly only minutes old.Jeremy Salizzoni, a fire captain out of San Diego, has created those perimeter maps in the past. He would drive or hike to areas where he could get a vantage point and draw or record the fire data by hand. He spent five days on the Rim Fire mapping in remote areas."Just to get to an advantageous place to see anything took hours," Salizzoni said. The Predator has been providing the same information "in a matter of minutes."Spotter planes are used regularly in wildfires. They help direct the airplanes and helicopters dropping water and retardant on the fire and also help map the fire. But those planes don't normally fly mini storaget night and they don't always have the vantage point or equipment to see everything they need to see.With the Predator, Salizooni said, "we're seeing through smoke we wouldn't be able to see through." The drone circles the Rim Fire's more than 300-square-mile footprint in hours, not days, he said.It didn't take long for the drone to show its usefulness."Within the first four hours, we were able to identify a spot fire outside the containment lines," he said.It was 3 a.m."Crews are in the dark and the smoke, where maybe they couldn't see," he added. "But we were able to direct them right in there, and they took care of it."Fagerland's computer screen at March shows a broad view of the fire zone along the shoreline of the Hetch Hetchy reservoir, in Yosemite. The camera operator next to him zooms in to look at a closeup of a helicopter hovering over the water, refilling its water tank. The camera then follows the craft as it flies out to the fire line to drop its load.Evaluators in another room can look at the drop, assess its effectiveness and determine whether the same spot needs to be hit again.Having the National Guard and Cal Fire officials working in concert is nothing new. The Guard often supplies tanker planes, helicopters and firefighting crews on major wildfires. The Rim Fire is no exception.But Col. Dana Hessheimer, commander of the 163rd Wing, said getting permission to use the Predator required filing paperwork that went all the way to the office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington, D.C. Tight parameters were established about what the Predator could look at and what it couldn't."With the drone hysteria," Hessheimer said, "that's been the biggest challenge. That's a piece the American people don't understand, how restricted we are."He pointed to the monitors above the flight controls."You can see we're not spying on anyone," he said.Hutchinson said Cal Fire officials are impressed by the information the Predator provides, but it's too early to know under what circumstances it might be used on other wildfires."I think it's going to be accessibility, size and complexity of the fire," she said. But, she added, "It's definitely a tool for the future."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) Visit The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) at .PE.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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深圳目前正當道的愛情活動是什麼,mini storage或者說它們都藏在哪了?據說,深圳新晉的愛情活動組織都非常高端且低調,動輒就出入深圳私家會所,他們還有專門的戀愛會員卡,年費動輒5000元以上,能夠參加全年派對,還保證進行一對一的私人輔導,神秘得完全成為小圈子的秘愛活動。還有另外一種渠道的愛情活動,以男方或女方同性為一個組群,彼此在各自圈子里聊男人、女人、事業和其他,以共同進步交男/女朋友為目的,更主要責任是完善自我,通過圈子交流讓自己變得更美好。0 1今年上半年,深圳愛情活動徹底擺脫過氣相親味必須要承認,在2013年以前,深圳多數戀愛、相親和愛情活動還是以城鄉結合部的傳統相親形式進行的。深圳29歲白領楠楠回憶2012年參加過一次由某大型婚戀網站在深圳組織的七夕活動。最經典的場景是,場地被主辦方包裝成連鄉村愛情故事都會棄用的惡俗彩色氣球門,一進入大門,四處飄散著禮花筒噴射出的五顏六色的碎片。在場的很多男生都噴了特硬的膠水造型發,這些彩色亮碎片就飄灑在男生的頭髮上,牢牢地粘在上面,就像是穿越回80年代的新郎。現場女嘉賓都被要求穿著晚禮服,可卻在現場要求佩戴上紫色花朵的胸花,"整個兒一起特別像是土俗伴娘團,還是被集體放了鴿子的那種"。相親形式不夠新穎、戀愛活動不夠新鮮、活動頻率不夠明顯和相親活動時效時間短等,成為很多年輕人詬病深圳愛情、相親活動不夠完美的地方。當然還有更多吐槽的地方,比如說好的白領、骨幹、精英,到了現場全都變成中年禿頂大叔和大肚肥男的集中營,新浪網友愛飛飛坨就吐槽"深圳的相親現場就像是一場大齡女遭遇二婚男的災難現場,實在慘不忍睹"。2013年上半年,深圳進行了幾場反響還算不錯的婚戀派對活動。雖然談不上100分,但他們至少擺脫了土式掉渣的相親活動氣味。以睿麗·高端婚戀俱樂部為例,該俱樂部接連組織了假面舞會、高端知識講座和品酒會等活動,目前在深圳白領圈小有名氣,很多人都成為組織中的一員。另外幾場活動則由不同組織舉辦,共性是落地深圳,每次活動的人數並不多,一般集中在50人左右。活動場地不再是動輒五星級酒店,而是有意識選擇一些文青愛的地方,比如O C T創意園或南海意庫,活動也從傳統的玩遊戲、表現才藝,轉到攝影、登山運動以及內心領域的關注。0 2婚戀和社交都正在呈現出小圈子交流的趨勢 2013年,深圳幾個新晉的婚戀組織或社交團體都趨向于小圈子交流,並設有一定門檻,有一定姿態,並不是對所有人開放。比如,睿麗·高端婚戀俱樂部特別針對高級白領、公務員、海歸、外國人、企業家和總經理級別以上進行活動,職場身份一般的人想要參與活動必須要提早預訂活動名單,並且需要提早給活動預留好充足的準備時間。而新晉在微信圈里很火的海歸協會玫瑰會,它是深圳大中華新海歸協會在微信朋友圈內的一次嘗試,圈內的84名成員幾乎都是經過挑選才能加入其中,而滿足入self storage的基本條件是海歸。這個組群並不單純以相親或婚戀為目的,而是傳達各種與女性修為和個人魅力有關的內容,由於組員的個人素質接近,彼此交流的話題能夠得到共鳴,因而受到很多組內成員的好評。深圳新類別的婚戀或愛情組織,開始有意識設定門檻,並且嘗試將組群功能細分。比如海歸玫瑰會就是針對海歸群體,而睿麗俱樂部側重于城中白領、骨幹和精英。同時還有豆瓣組織的各類同城婚戀交友活動,他們則將關注點聚焦在文藝青年的身上。分析這些不同類別的組織舉辦的活動,他們多與有情調的酒店、咖啡館、酒吧進行合作,這點與2012年深圳幾乎所有婚戀活動都扎堆在星級酒店有很大不同。今年的婚戀活動更接地氣,並且更有親近感。比如,即將舉行的豆瓣同城活動"解讀異性眼中的你"就是在民居進行,還有很多D IY甜蜜蛋糕派對,都在私人蛋糕坊進行。情感專欄作家陳保才認為,逐步精確細分婚戀活動市場,是深圳婚戀活動業界逐漸成熟的一個標誌,組織方盈利的目的性越來越小,更多時候是要組建一個社交平台,然後整合全部成員資源,這要比單純收一次活動100元要更加劃算。0 3相親軟件層出不窮,分搶地面相親資源上半年,深圳婚戀、交友、派對活動的重要變化是——— 新式社交媒體的更新。睿麗組織和舉辦了假面舞會、高端愛情讀書會;豆瓣上七夕節的甜蜜D IY自制蛋糕愛情活動,以及埃克斯咖啡卓越店計劃在這周末針對海歸群體組織舉辦中秋相親派對,分析這些活動它們的共性是,社交資源從Q Q向微信大規模轉移。毫不誇張地說,幾乎所有的新式婚戀、社交活動都在微信上設有一個組群,然後組織方定期在上面發佈活動信息、參與人數和集合的時間、地點。必須要承認的一個事實是,深圳的地面婚戀、相親活動有逐漸減少的傾向。主要原因是,各類相親軟件開始有目的、大規模地拼搶現有的相親資源,並且逐漸演化成所有的A pp軟件都有變成相親和交友的可能。最近天涯上大熱的一個帖子就是講一對情侶是怎樣從Instagram上發展成朋友,最後成為情侶的,更不說陌陌、某某這些老式或新式的交友軟件。深圳愛情活動指南中秋愛情提早預熱活動進行盲配分組、猜燈謎、咖啡拉花和自由交流活動,費用100R M B /人,包括一杯咖啡和甜品,每位女士將免費獲得面膜一片。時間:8月31日19:30-22:30 地點:深圳市卓越世紀中心卓越intow n2樓L228-1埃克斯咖啡卓越店報名方式:用手機搜索"我是海歸網"微信公�平台,直接回複"中秋+姓名+性別+××海歸+年齡",確認後即報名成功。PapiPapi Pool Party盛夏狂歡泳衣派對,Bikini Girls下午4點前入場免費。活動預售票80元/張,現場票100元/張(均含30元消費券)。報名方式,微信搜索"Hapolife"。時間:9月7日地點:深圳市大中華喜來登酒店王子俱樂部採寫:南都記者 董馨圖片:資料圖片迷你倉

Special notes

  習近平冒雨登遼寧艦視察  深入艙室戰位,迷你倉新蒲崗察看艦上裝備設施,瞭解官兵工作訓練情況  中共中央總書記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平在出席十二屆全運會開幕式前夕,專門視察了沈陽戰區部隊。他強調,要深入貫徹落實黨在新形勢下的強軍目標,加強部隊全面建設,不斷提高履行使命任務能力,為維護國家主權、安全、發展利益作出新的更大貢獻。  習近平一直十分關心我國第一艘航空母艦建設和部隊訓練。28日上午,他一下飛機就冒著風雨來到海軍某艦載機綜合試驗訓練基地,觀看艦載機滑躍起飛、阻攔著陸訓練,實地察看有關設備。看到飛行員們乾淨利落完成了各項訓練課目,習近平十分高興,為他們熱情鼓掌。習近平親切接見了首批上艦指揮員、試飛員和艦載機飛行員,高度讚賞飛行員在複雜氣象條件下表現出的過硬本領和精湛技藝。習近平還仔細聽取了艦載機設計和性能介紹迷你倉出租要求有關科技人員認真分析戰機試飛數據,不斷攀登科技高峰。臨別時,他勉勵大家再接再厲、深入鑽研、勤學精練,早日成為優秀的航母艦載機飛行員。  當天下午,習近平又風雨兼程趕往大連,登上停泊在大連港的遼寧艦。軍旗迎風飄揚,水兵整齊列隊,遼寧艦迎來了一個莊嚴光榮的時刻。習近平檢閱了水兵儀仗隊,隨後攀舷梯、下機庫,深入艙室戰位,察看艦上裝備設施,詢問技戰術性能,瞭解官兵工作訓練情況。他叮囑遼寧艦艦長和政委,你們要牢記職責,不辱使命,早日形成戰鬥力和保障力,為建設強大的人民海軍作貢獻。  29日下午,習近平來到沈陽軍區機關,接見駐沈陽部隊師以上幹部,聽取沈陽軍區工作匯報。習近平對近年來沈陽軍區部隊建設取得的成績給予充分肯定。他強調,貫徹落實黨在新形勢下的強軍目標,關係國防和軍隊建設全局,關係我軍有效履行使命任務。 據新華社迷你倉

Special notes

板塊名稱 今年中報 今年一季報 去年年報食品飲料 43.迷你倉75 47.91 45.57 餐飲旅遊 42.18 35.47 34.88 房地產 36.32 37.99 37.63 信息服務 31.93 31.56 31.61 醫藥生物 28.88 28.34 28.48 紡織服裝 24.39 23.85 23.24 採掘 23.86 26.23 25.50 公用事業 23.61 22.87 20.92 家用電器 22.39 22.33 21.88 電子 21.80 20.83 19.70 金融服務 20.90 24.80 24.自存倉7 機械設備 20.73 20.76 21.12 信息設備 20.18 19.80 19.15 輕工製造 16.44 16.01 17.05 交運設備 14.70 14.13 15.60 交通運輸 14.45 14.62 16.29 化工 14.19 14.87 14.42 建築建材 13.65 12.25 12.61 綜合 13.61 13.51 14.10 商業貿易 12.10 12.40 11.83 有色金屬 9.13 7.98 8.87 黑色金屬 6.65 7.05 5.01 農林牧漁 14.44 13.95 12.05迷你倉新蒲崗


《時局的生意:霍英東自述》一書真實、詳盡,迷你倉原汁原味地保留了霍英東對親歷往事的追憶,對敏感事件、歷史人物的評價。內容涵蓋東亞近幾十年幾乎每次重大變化的細節內幕,亦處處流露出霍英東一生洞察時局、捕捉商機的大格局、大智慧。第一戰從德國法蘭克福開始上世紀七八十年代,我正處於人生的中年、壯年階段,又身兼香港地產建設商會會長,但已經沒有上世紀五六十年代時縱橫香港地產市場的行動,逐漸淡出。在逐漸淡出香港商界的同時,我卻與北京方面走得更近。那時,我和新華社官員差不多每個月都見一次。這方面的情況,我的朋友何銘思先生在他的文章中曾經談過。何先生一直在新華社香港分社工作。我在這裡引用他的一些追述:"霍英東先生主要是在地產商會起作用,他是會長……他經常請李嘉誠等地產商,到他家吃飯,或是到新華社在山頂的招待所和沙湧別墅,讓梁威林與他們見面、交談。梁威林那時是新華分社社長,對霍生很重視。怎樣在地產商里打開困局,霍生起的作用很大……"自1964年第一次北上京城參加國慶慶典活動後,每年,我都參加香港同胞國慶觀禮團赴京觀禮。此外,我還多次率領香港的地產界、工商界和體育界人士,回大陸旅行、參觀、訪問。在上世紀70年代,我幾乎擔任或兼任過香港每一個單項體育協會的會長或名譽首腦。1974年,我還參與亞洲足球聯合會領導層的競選,並成功被選為副主席。那時,海峽兩岸在國際上都沒有太大的體育空間,大陸和台灣都利用香港的特殊地位參與一些體育活動,因而香港體育界的角色和影響力極為重要。我的"體育外交"第一戰就是從德國的法蘭克福開始。那是1974年,國際足聯在那裡開年會,會上要討論中國重返國際足聯的問題。自1949年後,一些國際體育組織就邀中國加入,但"蔣政權"的會籍仍然存在。按照各體育協會的章程,一個國家只有一個合法席位。所以,中國要入會,就必須先"驅蔣",不然就是承認兩個中國。但驅除一個會員出會,是一個很重要、很複雜的問題。那時國際足聯的主席羅斯是英國人,巴西的阿維蘭熱正準備與他競選下任主席職務。我是亞洲的代表,之前,我已經透過香港的鐘逸傑,與羅斯達成默契,以"為開除台灣的會籍舉行簡單 多數表決"作為支持羅斯繼任主席的條件。我們怎麼也估計不到,用簡單多數舉手的方式,也湊不夠支持我們的人數。因為國際足聯的會員以歐洲會員居多,他們反對開除台灣的會籍。第一次,我們失敗了。展開體育外交1974年秋季,亞洲運動會在伊朗德黑蘭舉行,中國雖然還沒有加入亞洲的任何體育組織,但也派代表團參會。亞洲足聯也選擇在亞運會期間,在德黑蘭開會。當時的亞洲足聯主席是馬來西亞總理東姑拉曼,他基本是親台的。我以香港足總會長的身份代表香港參加足聯會議。我事先已經聯合一些代表,籌劃驅逐台灣出會。按照章程,一般申請要提前兩個月遞交,才能列入會議的議程,而我們只是提前兩個禮拜遞交給亞洲足聯,但那時大會的議程已經安排好並印出來了。第二天一大早,我就去拜訪東姑拉曼,向他提出討論中國入會的問題。但東姑拉曼說,北京以驅逐台灣出會為前提,實現難度很大;加上提交的申請報告太遲,不符合大會提前兩個月提交議程的規定。東姑拉曼以此為由,表示免談,執委會已決定,不能討論這個問題,等下次再說。若錯過這次機會,就得再等兩年才能重提這個問題。我很失望,但並沒有放棄,連忙想辦法尋找其他途徑。上午開會,國際足聯主席作報告,我坐在那裡並沒用心聽,只是埋頭翻查亞洲足聯章程,發現有這樣一條條款:若有四分之三以上的與會者提出議程之外的問題,則可以把這個問題視為緊急事項,作為臨時動議,列入大會議程。我如獲至寶,即刻找對中國友好的伊朗、科威特的代表商議。下午繼續開會,我和伊朗等國的代表向大會提出中國的入會問題,應該作為一個緊急事項。但東姑拉曼反對,他說:"中國入會只不過是遲早問題,這不是緊急事件。"我就極力申辯,說中國是亞洲人口最多的國家,且北京政府又是聯合國承認的唯一代表中國的政府,其入會的事情當然是非常重要、緊急的。最後東姑拉曼勉強同意大會代表投票表決是否討論中國入會問題。其實,能否獲四分之三的代表支持,我心裡並不是很有底。當時,台灣也有一個代表以"中華民國"的身份參加大會。我即刻問伊朗的代表:"為什麼有個台灣代表在這裡?"因為那時伊朗已和中國建交,我覺得伊朗簽証給台灣代表,等於承認兩個中國。伊朗代表一聽,也很緊張,連忙問台灣代表是怎麼來的?台灣代表說,他是從香港來的。伊朗代表又問他簽什麼證,對方答是旅遊簽証。伊朗代表查看他的護照,果然是旅遊簽証,於是對他說文件倉"你來旅遊,那我們帶你旅遊好了!"說完,就拉他出去。台灣代表一走,就進行投票,結果28票對7票,剛剛有四分之三的代表通過。若台灣代表在場,就不足四分之三票數。真是很危險!中國在奧委會取得合法席位到了上世紀80年代初期,我還時常到世界各地奔走呼號,以恢複中華人民共和國在世界各單項體育組織中的合法會籍。雖然早在上世紀70年代初期,中國政府就已經被聯合國承認,但由於台灣仍然與一些國家和國際體育組織保持關係,故除了亞洲足聯等個別體育組織接納大陸為 成員外,大陸重返大多數的國際單項體育組織,則是在國際奧委會讓大陸取代台灣成為會員之後的事。1979年10月,國際奧委會在日本召開大會,大陸方面也派代表參加。當時,台灣仍以"中華民國"名義在國際奧委會占一席之位。大陸代表向大會提出,中華人民共和國既是國際社會承認的唯一代表中國人民的合法政府,則應該取代台灣的"中華民國",重返國際奧委會;若台灣要繼續留在國際奧委會,就必然作為中國的一個地區組織,要改名、改旗、改歌。大陸的提議被國際奧委會接納為議案,並付諸表決。結果,提案獲得大多數支持,中國在國際奧委會被剝奪了30年的合法權利得到恢複。消息傳來,我歡欣鼓舞。1980年,震霆代表香港自行車協會,遠赴荷蘭參加國際自行車協會的年會。會前,我和他已經"密謀"一番,商量如何協助中國加入國際自行車協會。震霆聯合其他代表,向大會提出議案,要求台灣改名"中國台灣"或"中國台北",不能使用"國歌"和"國旗",同時接納中國參加國際自行車協會。震霆這次赴荷蘭,同行者只有他新婚不久的太太朱玲玲。震霆夫婦到荷蘭,一住下酒店,就有7個台灣特工在那裡等候他們,查看他們在酒店登記的資料。又一個"一票之差"每次到外國參加體育組織會議,總是這7個台灣佬和震霆他們周旋,他們到哪裡,這幾個人就跟到哪裡,吃飯時也跟著。每次,這7個人都對他們說這樣一句話:"我們是台灣,是'中華民國',國際創始國。"而每次,震霆也總是這樣回敬他們:"我是運動員,來自香港,我可以代表香港到世界任何一個地方參加比賽、進行體育交流,我覺得你們不應該利用體育搞政治。是啊,你們的'國旗'很漂亮,'中華民國'的名很好聽,但你們的運動員不能到英國、中國香港,最簡單的辦法,不要堅持扯你們的'國旗',不要堅持用'中華民國'這個名,明天,你們就可以去中國香港、去英國,去世界任何一個地方比賽。而中國也可以做會員,變成全世界的運動員都可以在一起……"正式開會了,台灣方面聯合一些支持者,反對我們起草好的方案。台灣代表發言說,台灣與其他會員是一樣的,權利是均等的,若要改名、改歌、改旗,就是對台灣的歧視。震霆在會上對議案據理力爭,極力反駁台灣代表的觀點。支持和反對的聲音此起彼伏,現場氣氛非常緊張。對議案進行表決。結果,以一票之差通過議案,中國得以加入國際自行車協會,而台灣也被要求改名、改歌、改旗。1975年9月,我以港澳體育參觀團團長的身份,率領30多人到北京,觀摩第三屆全運會。那時,科威特全國足協主席艾哈邁德·薩敦應邀到京,我還陪他到長城遊玩,與他商談恢複中國在國際足聯席位和"驅蔣"的事宜。9月30日,我還收到以周恩來總理名義發出的請柬,應邀到人民大會堂出席國務院舉辦的國慶招待會。全運會結束後,我還率團到天津、西安、上海、南京等地觀光。1977年7月中旬,我又率領香港足球代表團和香港足球總會參觀團,到北京參與、觀摩"北京國際足球友好邀請賽"。參加這次邀請賽的,除了中國隊和中國香港隊外,還有亞洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的一些國家和地區的足球隊。中國香港隊在這次邀請賽中表現出色,先後擊敗了埃塞俄比亞、伊朗和國家一隊而晉級決賽。在決賽中,中國香港隊輸給年輕力壯、整體合作默契的國家青年隊,屈居亞軍。中國政府對這次足球邀請賽極為重視。國家領導人李先念和剛剛重出政壇的鄧小平,一起觀看了決賽,並出席邀請賽的閉幕式。7月30日晚,鄧小平還在球場貴賓室,會見我們香港隊的代表。自1964年國慶節在北京見到鄧小平後,這是我第二次與鄧小平相見。穿著短袖襯衫的鄧小平,神采奕奕。他親切地握著我的手,相互交談起來,談足球、談體育的交流。由於鄧小平本身也是"足球迷",故談起足球來,興趣甚高。會見之後,我們又一起觀看了足球比賽。當時,我還和鄧小平合影留念。這張 照片,我一直珍藏著。1992年春天,鄧小平南巡到達深圳時,我把準備好的這張像片遞上,請鄧小平在上面簽名留念。鄧小平見到這張照片,微笑一下,就欣然提筆,在照片上寫下自己的大名。存倉

Gross Domestic Product for the second quarter of 2013

Source : Statistics and Census Service Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the second quarter of 2013 expanded by 10.迷你倉2% year-on-year in real terms. Economic growth in the second quarter was mainly spurred by increase in exports of services, of which exports of gaming services grew by 10.2% and exports of other tourism services went up by 17.5%. The implicit deflator of GDP that measures changes in prices increased by 7.2% year-on-year. Economic growth for the first half year of 2013 stood at 10.5% in real terms.In view of the strong employment market, total employment and working income climbed further, pushing private consumption expenditure to expand by 4.5% year-on-year. Household final consumption expenditure in the domestic market increased by 5.8% and consumption expenditure abroad went up by 6.3%.Government final consumption expenditure increased by 7.6% year-on-year, of which compensation of employees grew by 3.6% and net purchases of goods and services soared by 15.3%.As the g自存倉uge of investment, gross fixed capital formation expanded by 4.3% year-on-year. Private investment increased by 13.6%, of which construction investment grew by 21.1%, while equipment investment shrank by 10.6%. Government investment dropped significantly by 29.3%, with construction of the Hengqin Campus of the University of Macau approaching completion; as other public construction in progress hardly offset the decrease in construction investment, public construction investment fell notably by 31.3%; meanwhile, equipment investment went up by 7.9%.Merchandise exports grew further by 10.0% year-on-year; moreover, merchandise imports increased by 15.7% on account of rising visitor arrivals, private consumption expenditure and investment.In respect of trade in services, benefited from the satisfactory performance of the tourism and gaming sector, exports of services increased by 11.1% year-on-year, of which exports of gaming services rose by 10.2% and exports of other tourism services grew by 17.5%. Moreover, imports of services edged up by 1.1% year-on-year.迷你倉新蒲崗


(柔佛 新山29日訊)柔佛州旅遊局等多個機構,mini storage今午在新山獨立公園舉辦開齋節午宴,與來自旅遊業界、文化界的朋友同歡共慶,也相互交流。聯辦單位包括旅遊及文化部柔佛州辦事處、柔佛州觀光局、柔佛州文化與藝術局和柔佛文化遺產基金。活動主賓是柔佛州旅遊、貿易及消費事務委員會主席拿督鄭修強。出席者有新加坡駐新山領事依恩馬克;印尼駐新山領事祖佐;旅遊及文化部副秘書長(管理與監督)祖奈達;旅遊及文化部柔佛州辦事處主任莫哈末依沙等。今年首季有640萬外國遊客鄭修強致詞時說,明年是馬來西亞觀光年,政府預計可吸引逾2千800萬人次的遊客來我國觀光,並有望為旅遊業帶來逾81億令吉self storage收入。他表示,我國今年第一季有640萬名外國遊客到來旅遊,比去年同時期的550萬人,增加了90萬人。他說:"我國旅遊業今年第一季的收入有近150億令吉,比去年同時期的近130億令吉,增加了近20億令吉。""去年觀光我國的遊客有2千503萬人次,帶來的收入有逾600億令吉。"另一方面,鄭修強在會上也頒發"綠色酒店(Green Hotel)"等級的證書給新山M Suites酒店,由該酒店總經理戴弗星和執行助理經理法依查接領。M Suites是州內首家,以及國內第十一家獲得綠色酒店等級的酒店;所謂綠色酒店是指有關酒店致力節能減碳、減少浪費、促進生態保護等工作。;迷你倉

Just because Sleepy Kitty sounds drowsy doesn't mean it doesn't have claws

Source: The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Tenn.迷你倉Aug. 29--Somewhere along the line some people who want to book the band Sleepy Kitty decide the band is a little sleepier than it is.Subscribe to read the full storyCurrent Subscribers -- Activate NowAlready subscribe to the News Sentinel? Unlimited access to KnoxNews.com on the web, your smartphone, tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com is included with your subscription. All you need to do is ACTIVATE now!Activate NowNew Subscribers -- Subscribe NowWant to keep reading?KnoxNews now offers Premium and Digital Subscriptions. Subscribe now and select how you want to keep up-to-date on local news, reader comments, photos, videos, blogs and more.Subscribe NowLoginUsername / Email *Password * Can't remember? Reset PasswordLoginSubscription Center-- A message from our publisher-- News for subscribers-- News for non-subscribers-- Frequently asked questions-- Help downloading your app?Ready to be a News Sentinel subscriber?We're sorry. We currently do not support purchasing of new products in Internet Explorer 7. Please update to another browser.Premium SubscriptionA Premium Subscription to the News Sentinel includes:-- Home delivery service-- Unlimited Access to the KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.-- Unlimited Access to the Knoxville News Sentinel for the iPad-- Unlimited Access to KnoxNews for iPhone and AndroidAs low as 3 months for the price of 1 Subscribe NowDigital SubscriptionA Digital Subscription the News Sentinel includes:-- Unlimited Access to the KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.-- Unlimited Access to the Knoxville News Sentinel for the iPad-- Unlimited Access to KnoxNews for iPhone and AndroidAs low as 2 months for the price of 1 Subscribe NowPremium Subscription -- How often would you like your newspaper delivered?Special offer. Get 3 months for the price of 1.Delivery AddressAddress (Line 1)*Address (Line 2)City*State*ZIP*Check delivery address Choose different productCreate your new loginThe information entered below will be used to access your subscription to KnoxNews on the web, smartphone and tablet.Choose a different subscriptionFirst Name*Last Name*Phone Number*Email*Password*Password (Verify)*Create account BackPreparing payment optionsWe're so close!Success! Your Digital Subscri自存倉tion has been activated.Success! Your Premium Subscription has been activated.Hold on for just a moment while we finish setting up your account..Your Digital Subscription to the Knoxville News Sentinel is now available. Enjoy unlimited access to KnoxNews on the web, on your smartphone and tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Your Premium Subscription to the Knoxville News Sentinel is now available. In addition to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access to KnoxNews on the web, on your smartphone and tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Begin ReadingCurrent delivery subscriber?Please help us find your account by entering all of the requested information below. Questions? Please call customer service at1-877-304-7769.First NameLast Name*Email*Phone Number*House Number*Street NameAptFind your accountCreate your new loginAwesome! We found your Premium Subscription information. Almost there. Please verify the email address listed and then create a password. This login information is how you will access KnoxNews on the web, smartphone and tablet.Make note of your new login information for future use.This email will be used as your login.Choose a passwordPassword*Password (Verify)*Complete BackSuccess! Your subscription has been activated.Your Premium Subscription to is now active. In addition to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access and browsing on your computer, smartphone and tablet.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Begin ReadingCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) Visit the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) at .knoxnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, banking briefs

Source: AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesAug.迷你倉出租 29--VCBANK POSTS $21.1M IN NET INCOME: Bahrain-based Islamic investment bank, Venture Capital Bank (VCBank) has posted a net profit of $21.1m from total revenue of $43.9m for the 18 months ended June 30, compared with a loss of $58.7m and total revenue of $6.7m for the calendar year 2011, Gulf Daily News has reported. Net profit and total revenue for the quarter ended June 30 rose to $1m and $4.3m, respectively, from a net loss of $4.5m and total revenue of $2.8m for the same quarter ended June 30, 2011.BANK AUDI EGYPT POSTS EGP212M IN H1 NET PROFITS: Bank Audi (Egypt), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lebanon-based Bank Audi, has said its net profits for the six months to the end of June jumped to EGP212.25m, compared with EGP102.9m in the same period a year ago. Net interest income rose to EGP360.84 from EGP282.16 a year earlier, the lender said.LLOYD'S PROBING INSURERS OVER POSSIBLE INTERNATIONAL SANCTION BREACHES: Lloyd's is probing whether market insurers are breaching international sanctions by trading with countries such as Iran and North Korea, the Sunday Times has reported. The review is not targeting any individual firm but the market as a whole, the report said. Lloyd's launched the probe two months ago and a report is due out next year, it said.$21M CLAIM AGAINST UBS DISMISSED BY DUBAI COURT: A $21.4m by a member of Kuwait's ruling family against UBS AG has been dismissed by a Dubai court, Reuters has reported. According to the lawsuit by Sheikh Meshal, the Swiss bank failed to pay him for helping it become lead arranger on a $9bn asset sale by Kuwaiti telecoms operator Zain. Justice Sir David Steel described Sheikh Meshal in the written verdict as a witness, in whose evidence it was "difficult to have confidence ... his evidence in some respects did not just appear evasive but was demonstrably unreliable." "There was no motive for the bank to seek help in its engagement as financial advisor to Zain let alone at substantial financial cost," Justice Steel wrote.US COURT DISMISSES 90 PERCENT OF CLAIMS AGAINST ARAB BANK: Jordan-headquartered Arab Bank has announced that a New York federal court has dismissed over 90 percent of the claims in a long-running lawsuit accusing the lender of providing banking services to charities and individuals allegedly affiliated with Palestinian militants, The Daily Star has reported. Judge Brian Cogan of the Court of the Eastern District of New York ordered the dismissal of the claims filed by over 6,000 of the plaintiffs under the US' Alien Tort Statute, the bank said. A trial is scheduled to take place in January 2014, marking the first time a bank has been tried in the US for terrorism financing under the act.SAUDI CREDIT AND SAVINGS TO FINANCE OVER 415 SME PROJECTS: The Saudi Credit and Saving Bank (SCSB) has approved the financing of 415 small and new enterprises with SR87m, Arab News has reported. The financing aims to help young aspiring Saudi entrepreneurs to start their own business by lending them capital with a maximum amount of SR300,000, said the spokesperson for the state-owned bank, Ahmed Al-Jibreen.IDB TO BOOST SUKUK PROGRAMME BY 50 PERCENT: Saudi-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is planning to boost its sukuk programme by more than 50 percent by the end of this year, as demand for financing from member countries, including Turkey and Morocco, grows, Saudi Gazette has reported. IDB aims to raise its medium-term note programme to $10bn from $6.5bn, so that it is ready to tap the market at any time, said vice-president of finance at IDB, Abdul Aziz Al Hinai.LEBANESE BANKS IN SYRIA POST 591 PERCENT SURGE IN H1 NET INCOME: The seven Lebanese banks operating in Syria have reported a 591 percent rise in combined net profit to 13.1bn Syrian pounds, but experts dismissed the rise as merely due to valuation of foreign currencies to the pound, The Daily Star has reported. The surge in net income is chiefly due to sharp increases in unrealised net foreign exchange gains from 3.7bn Syrian pounds in the first half of 2012 to 31.4bn in same period in 2013, according to data by Byblos Bank. "There is no actual improvement and the only reason that there is such an increase in profits is the fluctuation of foreign exchange rates and the fact that these banks report their profits in Syrian pounds," said chief economist at Byblos Bank, Nassib Ghobril.AMERICAN EXPRESS, BBK RENEW PARTNERSHIP DEAL: American Express Middle East (AEME) and Bahrain's BBK have renewed and expanded their partnership, which covers American Express bill settlements through BBK's internet retail banking channel and its branch network, Gulf Daily News has reported. According the renewed agreement, mutual clients of the two organisations can now settle their American Express bills in both US dollars and Bahrain dinars online, using BBK's internet retail banking channel. Additionally, all American Express Card members can make card bill payments at any BBK branch or financial mall.GULF INTERNATIONAL TO LAUNCH REGIONAL RETAIL NETWORK: Bahrain-based Gulf International Bank (GIB) has selected Saudi Arabia as base to launch a regional retail banking network, as part of a迷你倉GCC-wide expansion plan, Gulf Daily News has reported. "It is part of our strategy to create a universal banking platform which will also include our wholesale banking operations," said GIB's chief financial officer, Stephen Williams. "We are planning to expand our operations and we have already been recruiting to do this," he said.EGYPT BANKS RESUME NORMAL OPERATIONS: Egypt's central bank has announced that commercial banks will return to normal working hours starting Monday - 8:30am to 2:00pm for clients and until 3:00pm for employees, Ahram has reported. This follows a decision by the country's interim cabinet that the curfew imposed on 14 Egyptian governorates will be enforced from 9pm (instead of 7pm) until 6am with the exception of Friday (7pm - 6am).SABB TO SELL ISLAMIC BOND TO BOOST CAPITAL: Saudi British Bank (SABB), an affiliate of HSBC Holdings and the kingdom's third-largest listed lender by market value, is aiming to sell a Tier 2 capital-boosting Islamic bond before the end of the year, Reuters has reported, citing two banking sources aware of the matter. HSBC is advising SABB on the potential riyal-denominated transaction, the sources said.ALJAZIRA EXPANDS IN RIYADH: Saudi lender, Bank AlJazira has announced the opening of its new Sahafa Branch in Riyadh, as part of the bank's expansion plans to meet the growing demand on its Shari'ah-compliant financial services, Saudi Gazette has reported. The bank, which has 60 branches and 21 dedicated female sections, said that more branches are planned to go online this year.EGYPTIAN EXPATS REMITTANCES HIT EGP19BN: Egyptian manpower and emigration minister, Kamal Abu Eita has said monetary transfers made by Egyptians living abroad totalled EGP19bn, Daily News Egypt has reported. Total savings of Egyptian expats approached EGP1.2trn, of which only 45 percent was being used, spent and invested, he said.ENBD TO RAISE $12BN FOR CLIENTS: Emirates NBD expects to raise over $12bn for clients in the remainder of the year, boosting investment banking income as the lender seeks expansion, Bloomberg has reported. The UAE's largest bank by assets has mandates for about 20 bond and loan deals after helping raise $14.6bn for clients in 23 such transactions so far this year, said the lender's head of wholesale banking, Giel-Jan Van Der Tol. The new transactions will raise revenue at the lender's wholesale banking unit by more than 10 percent over the next 12 month and loan growth by 6 percent, he said.OMAN'S ODB MULLING ISLAMIC WINDOW: Oman Development Bank (ODB) has said it is considering the launch of an Islamic window to offer Shari'ah-compliant products to small and medium-sized firms, Reuters has reported. Government-owned ODB considered a full-fledged conversion to become an Islamic bank, but is likely instead to opt for an Islamic window, said Hamed bin Salim Al Harthy, assistant general manager for branches at ODB. "The bank will not move toward becoming a full Islamic bank but we have to keep up with the trend in the market, and the trend is for Islamic products," he told the news service.BMI BANK SETTLES $80M LOAN AHEAD OF SCHEDULE: Bahrain-headquartered BMI Bank has said it has repaid its three-year syndicated term loan of $80m six months ahead of its scheduled due date, Gulf Daily News has reported. The three-year oversubscribed facility was signed in February 2011 and arranged by Bank Muscat (Oman) with Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, Standard Chartered Bank and Arab Banking Corp as participants.SARASIN ALPEN TO WITHDRAW FROM OMAN BY MONTH-END: Swiss private bank Sarasin-Alpen is planning to shut down its operations in Oman by the end of this month, Times of Oman has reported, citing informed sources. The reason behind the decision is not clear yet, but it could be due to a global restructuring plan, after the bank was taken over by Safra Group, another Swiss private banking group, the sources said. In addition to Oman, Sarasin Alpen has operations in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Bahrain.JORDAN MULLING LAUNCHING BANK TO HELP SMES: Jordan is studying a plan to establish a state-owned bank to offer low cost credit facilities to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Jordan Times has reported. The proposed bank would not accept deposits in order not to compete with commercial banks in the kingdom and would offer easy lending conditions, as well as long term loans that should carry affordable interest rates.BANK DEPOSITS IN SAUDI ARABIA HIT NEW RECORD IN Q1: The National Commercial Bank (NCB) has said the total deposits with Saudi lenders reached a new record of SR1.36trn by the end of first quarter of 2013, Arab News has reported. NCB's customer deposits, the largest in the market, grew 11.6 percent year-on-year to SR276.7bn in March 2013, followed by Al-Rajhi Bank, which almost doubled that growth rate of NCB at 20.9 percent to SR231.7bn. Banks have extended SR153bn in additional financing during last year. Over the first quarter of 2013, Saudi banks have expanded by a further SR40.2bn, said the report.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Visit AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) at .ameinfo.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

Longhorn Network Now Accessible Online and On the Go to AT&T U-verse Customers

DALLAS, Aug.迷你倉新蒲崗 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AT&T U-verse and ESPN today announced the launch of live online and iOS app access to Longhorn Network - the 24/7 channel devoted to University of Texas athletics and academics as well as cultural programming from in and around the greater Austin community.AT&T U-verse customers who receive Longhorn Network as part of their video subscription service will be able to enjoy the network's exclusive live events and content on their computers, iPhones or iPod touches - at home or on the go. Customers will be prompted to provide their AT&T U-verse member IDs and passwords to access live content online at LonghornNetwork.com and on iPhone and iPod touch via the Longhorn Network app, available free to download in the App Store."We are excited to offer our AT&T U-verse customers access to Longhorn Network virtually wherever - and whenever - they like, on the screen that they choose," said Aaron Slator, President of Content and Advertising Sales, AT&T.David Preschlack, executive vice president, Disney and ESPN Media Networks, added, "Together with AT&T U-verse, we are serving University of Texas sports fans and adding value to customers' subscriptions by delivering access to Longhorn Network's must-have programming anytime, virtually anywhere in time for all the action and excitement of college football."Programming highlights include three UT home football games including the season opener against New Mexico State on Aug. 31, Ole Miss on Sept. 14 and Kansas on Nov. 2, plus exclusive pre- and post-game coverage of all Texas football games in Texas GameDay and Texas GameDay Final.Longhorn Network also provides unprecedented access to the football team with Texas All Access. Live event coverage of men's and women's basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, rowing, track and field and golf, as well as select NCAA events featuring Texas round out the robust program schedule.About AT&T AT&T Inc. is a premier communications holding company and one of the most honored companies in the world. Its subsidiaries and affiliates - AT&T operating companies - are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and internationally. With a powerful array of network resou迷你倉出租ces, AT&T is a leading provider of wireless, Wi-Fi, high speed Internet, voice and cloud-based services. A leader in mobile Internet, AT&T also offers the best wireless coverage worldwide of any U.S. carrier, offering the most wireless phones that work in the most countries. It also offers advanced TV services under the AT&T U-verse(R) and AT&T |DIRECTV brands. The company's suite of IP-based business communications services is one of the most advanced in the world.Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at .att.com/aboutus or follow our news on @ATT, on Facebook at .facebook.com/att and YouTube at .youtube.com/att.Geographic and service restrictions apply to AT&T U-verse. Call or go to .att.com/uverse to see if you qualify.((C)) 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.AT&T U-verse TV is the fastest growing TV provider in the U.S.*** and U-verse is a nearly $12 billion annualized revenue stream in only seven years since its initial launch in 2006. AT&T U-verse TV was recently named Frost & Sullivan Video Company of the Year. For additional information on AT&T U-verse - or to find out if it's available in your area - visit .att.com/u-verse.***Claim based on comparison of major TV providers' subscriber counts as of 1Q2013About Longhorn NetworkESPN has a 20-year agreement to own and operate a year-round, 24-hour network dedicated to Texas athletics in partnership with UT and IMG College. Longhorn Network offers a variety of content, highlighted by more than 200 exclusive events annually from 20 sports, original series and studio shows, historical programming and academic and cultural happenings. Longhorn Network is available in the U-verse 200 package and above on Channel 609/1609 in HD.(**)(**) Subject to geographical restrictions.AT&T Inc.CONTACT: Ana Barrera Waggoner, AT&T U-verse, 214.757.8046 orAB8965@att.com; or Kristie Chong Adler, ESPN, 646.547.5637 orkristie.chong@espn.comWeb site: .att.com/迷你倉

Eternit - Notice to the Market

SAO PAULO, Aug.存倉 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Eternit, founded 73 years ago, market leader in the Brazilian roofing segment, with a significant presence in the bathroom chinaware and metal bathroom fittings segments and a manufacturer of components for construction systems, hereby informs the market that it was served with a summons yesterday afternoon, in a public-interest civil lawsuit filed by the Public Labour Ministry under lawsuit No. 0002106-72-2013.5.02.0009, which is currently before the 9th District Labour Court of Sao Paulo.In contrast to that reported by a number of articles that have appeared in the press, in acquainting itself with the court process, the Company is able to identify that the injunction decision does not impose any cost burden on the health plan for all its former employees, which had been estimated by some at between 8000 and 10,000 people. Notwithstanding that the Company disagrees with its merits and that there is a need for a detailed examination of this very complex and voluminous court case, the decision is very clear in that it imposes a requirement for providing health assistance for "all the former employees from the Osasco industrial plant (...) referring to pages 76/83", with respect to "damage to health associated with occupational exposure to asbestos" provided, (i) that they are not already included under a health plan, the cost of which is borne by the Company; and (ii) that the potential beneficiaries confirm their interest in receiving medical assistance.Also, because it has been possible to carry out preliminary verification of the case, the report covers 297 people, of which it has been possible to verify that a significant percentage has, over a period of time, already received medical assistance - the cost of which has been borne by Eternit.The Company believes that it is important to also make it clear that five of the six requests for interlocutory relief previously drawn up by the Public Labour Ministry have been dismissed by Her Honour the Labour Judge and will be duly analysed during the course of the court case.With respect to the institutional role of the MPT and the renewal of its commitment to continue to enforce complian迷你倉e with laws and legal rulings, the Company believes that there is no basis for this court case, and hereby announces that it will be carrying out a vigourous defence of its rights at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner.The Company also emphasises that it strictly complies with the safety standards and procedures established by Federal Law 9.055/95 and Decree 2.350/97 which regulates it, and which is recommended by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), in its Convention No. 162. This reality is translated into a favourable environment for the conducting of healthy work, exempt from risks, which preserves the health of the Company's employees, this fact having also been also recognised in a number of court decisions.With respect to the Osasco manufacturing unit, which ceased activities in 1993, the Company maintains an office which provide social assistance and support for former employees, together with medical monitoring.The Company operates in total transparency and maintains its "Open Doors Program", which has received more than 50,000 visitors at its various units, allowing access to any of the population wishing to learn about the safety procedures used in the Company's mining and chrysotile asbestos-based product manufacturing processes.The Company wishes to emphasise its continued firm belief in Brazilian justice, and hopes that the technical and scientific evidence will be duly considered in the judgement of the case, disregarding susceptibility to pressure groups in favour of banning chrysotile asbestos, based purely on the unsuccessful European experience.Conference call with Webcast (in Portuguese-simultaneous translation to English)Presentation: Elio Martins - CEO and IR DirectorDate: August 30, 2013Time: 09.00 a.m. Brazilian Local Time - 08.00 a.m. New York - 01.00 p.m. LondonConference call can be followed on the website link .ccall.com.br/eternit/extra_august2013.htm or .eternit.com.br/irTo follow the presentation by telephone, please dial the following telephone numbers: (55-11) 4688-6361 for Brazil and (1-786) 924-6977 for other countries -Password:ETERNITContact: ri@eternit.com.br, +55-11-3194-3881Eternit S.A.Web site: .eternit.com.br/ir/自存倉

Beloved Hollywood turkeys from 'Mommie Dearest' to 'Plan 9'

Source: Connecticut Post, BridgeportAug.迷你倉出租 29--Movie buffs will sometimes talk more passionately about bad movies they love -- from "Plan 9 from Outer Space" to "Mommie Dearest" -- than acknowledged classics such as "Citizen Kane" or "Vertigo.""When people talk about good movies, they're polite, but when they talk about bad movies their interest always ratchets up," Fairfield critic Phil Hall says of the impulse that led him to write "The Greatest Bad Movies of All Time" (Bear Manor Media, $21.95).In a recent interview, Hall said there is often "more fun in talking about bad movies. ... People will often quote dialogue from them."The longtime critic for the Film Threat website has gathered together an amazing array of bad movies, from cult favorites like "Airport 1975" to such oddities as Jean-Luc Godard's little seen version of "King Lear," starring Woody Allen and Molly Ringwald.Hall also takes readers into the underground of stinkers that have been long unavailable except in bootleg editions, including the four-hour version of Bob Dylan's "Renaldo and Clara."The movies in his book are what Hall calls "the anti-classics," ranging over most of the major genres, from drama to comedy, documentary to porn.In the introduction, Hall writes, "If there is a common ground, it comes via the audience's shock: It is hard to comprehend that such films exist."The critic said he wasn't interested in filling a book with schlocky horror movies or cheap Japanese science-fiction films from earlier eras -- those targets are too easy. Instead, Hall shows us how some of the greatest stars, such as Rex Harrison and Richard Burton, stumbled in terrible films like the 1969 disaster, "Staircase."Hall said the trigger for the book happened a few years ago when he was acting in an independent film and someone on the set said, "Have you seen 'The Room'?"A laptop was pulled out and cast members started quoting lines from the notorious 2003迷你倉cult film, starring Tommy Wiseau, which some fans believe is the worst-acted movie of all time (choice clips are available on YouTube).Part of the fun of really obscure bad films, Hall said, is having to track them down on YouTube and Internet sites, such as iOffer, specializing in unlicensed bootleg copies of films that have never been released via legitimate video sources."YouTube is an extraordinary source, a godsend for films you can't find on DVD," Hall said, adding that buffs who post these goodies always seem to figure out ways to elude cease-and-desist orders from copyright holders.The book includes a 1975 20th Century Fox release, "All This and World War II," which became a lost film after rights to the Beatles music on the soundtrack were withdrawn, making a videocassette or DVD release impossible."I searched for that film for four or five years," Hall said. "I finally got a copy from a washing machine repairman in Belfast (Ireland) who had taped it off the BBC. ... It is very unlikely that it ever will be re-released."Hall said one of his favorite films in the book -- "Airport 1975" -- might have played a role in his eventual occupation as a critic, when he saw it as a 9-year-old child in the Bronx, N.Y."I realized even then that there was something wrong in that movie," he said, laughing, of the daffy plot about a stewardess (Karen Black) who has to take over the controls of a 747 after the entire flight crew is killed in a collision with a small passenger plane.Hall's book is permeated with affection for the bad movies we love."I didn't want to use the book just to make fun of bad movies. ... They're a part of our pop culture, and film history ... a parallel universe," he said.jmeyers@ctpost.com; Twitter: twitter.com/joesviewCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) Visit the Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, Conn.) at .ctpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

2013年8月29日 星期四

Probable cause ruling invalidates evidence

Source: Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.迷你倉價錢Aug. 29--ROGUE RIVER -- The case against three suspects accused of robbing a medical marijuana grower in Rogue River at gunpoint took a huge hit after a judge ruled the evidence found in the alleged getaway car cannot be used in a trial.Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Lorenzo Mejia found that a Jackson County sheriff's deputy violated the constitutional rights of the suspects when he pulled their car over without probable cause the night the crime was reported.The alleged robbery occurred in July 2012 at a home in the 3500 block of Evans Creek Road in Rogue River. Officials say a medical marijuana grower who lives there said he was robbed at gunpoint by two men wearing dark blue bandannas.The suspects broke into the home while the victim was asleep, then forced him to hand over $700 in cash, the Sheriff's Department reported.A struggle ensued, and the victim was beaten by the suspects; a shot was fired during the fight, though no one was hit by the bullet, according to records filed in Jackson County Circuit Court.The suspects were last seen fleeing into a nearby wood.Jackson County sheriff's Deputy Jesus Murillo was on patrol in White City when the robbery report came over the radio. He decided to make his way to the scene in Rogue River via Meadows Road, according to court documents.At 3:55 a.m. Murillo saw a Mitsubishi Galant driving toward his patrol car on Meadows Road. Murillo decided to follow the car and eventually pulled it over.According to court documents, the deputy approached the car and noticed that two men and a woman were inside. He asked them to leave the car and placed them in handcuffs.One of the passengers gave deputies on the scene permission to search the vehicle. This turned up a gun matching the victim's description and some cash matching the denominations the victim claimed were stolen from his house, the documents state.The suspects were identified as William Jack Thomas Sandlin, 23, J迷你倉seph Aaron Callas, 29, and Brooke Villa-Staton, 20, all of Grants Pass.The traffic stop was ruled illegal by Mejia last week because there was no probable cause to pull the car over, according to defense attorney Justin Rosas.Rosas noted in a motion to suppress the evidence collected in the car that Murillo stated that he intended to pull over every car he saw in the area that night without developing probable cause to initiate a traffic stop.This is a violation of a defendant's constitutional rights against illegal search and seizure, the judge ruled.The ruling means that all evidence seized in the car, including the money and the gun, would not be permissible at trial. This could deal the prosecution a severe blow in tying the alleged suspects to the robbery.Jackson County prosecutor Jeremy Markiewicz declined to comment on the specifics of the traffic stop and the case. He did say that he would appeal the suppression ruling to the Oregon Attorney General's Office.Rosas also declined to discuss the particulars of the case, choosing instead to release a prepared statement."I filed this motion to suppress based on what I felt was a clear violation of our client's rights in this case," Rosas said. "While we appreciate the State's right to appeal, we are confident the Judge made the right decision and upheld Mr. Callas' constitutional rights in the face of an illegal traffic stop."Rosas is Callas' defense attorney, but the suppression ruling applies to all of the defendants.All three have since been released from custody after pleading not guilty to charges of first-degree robbery, second-degree robbery and first-degree burglary. Callas and Sandlin also face a charge of third-degree assault in the case.A pre-trial conference has been scheduled for Sept. 30 in Jackson County Circuit Court.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) Visit the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) at .mailtribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

Dayton's Lavender Home Care continues growth

Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioAug.儲存 29--DAYTON -- DAYTON --Lavender Home Care Solutions has grown to 45 employees and more than 100 clients since its founding less than four years ago, owner Bernard Dalichau said.Lavender, founded in 2010, offers non-medical home health care services including personal care, companionship, light housekeeping and transportation to seniors in the Dayton, Springfield, Springboro and Xenia areas.The fast-growing home health business now has its eyes set on an expansion to the Cincinnati market. Plans are to hire five to seven new caregivers to serve Cincinnati-area customers by the end of 2013, Dalichau said.Next year, Lavender is also looking to move to more centrally located office space, he said. A location has not been determined. Currently, Lavender is housed at 721 Springfield St., Dayton.Dalichau anticipates 2013 revenues of approximately $1 million, up from about $500,000 the first full year of business."What's driving the growth is word of mouth, which comes directly from the processes we have in place to ensure quality to our clients and stability with our caregivers," such as training and a stringent hiring process新蒲崗迷你倉 Dalichau said.Lavender accepts payment through the Greene County Council on Aging, the PASSPORT waiver and ComCare programs through Area Agency on Aging in Dayton, private pay and long-term care insurance.Dayton home care companies are growing to meet the demands of an aging population that prefers to stay in their homes as long as possible, local experts say. More people are living with chronic conditions, and they're living longer and using technological advances to manage their conditions at home.Home health aides and personal care aides help their elderly clients with daily tasks.--Lavender Home Care SolutionsWhat: Non-medical home health care services including personal care, companionship, light housekeeping and transportation for seniorsWhere: 721 Springfield St., DaytonPhone: (937) 660-6901Owner: Bernard DalichauWebsite: .lavenderhomecare.comSmall businesses are the source of most jobs in the U.S economy. Count on us to highlight growing small businesses in the Dayton area.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage



業者打造陶瓷園區 共同禦外

鶯歌陶瓷產業、技術西進後,新蒲崗迷你倉大量回流的產品反而嚴重威脅本地業者生存,鶯歌區公所規畫在永新巷、建國路一帶成立「陶瓷工藝園區」,透過產官共同努力打造出合作平台,共同對抗外來產品。有鑑於大陸製造的陶瓷產品在鶯歌陶瓷老街隨處可見,嚴重危及到在地產業生存,部分陶瓷廠商、業者提出合作意願,希望在區公所整合下建立平台良性競爭,對抗外來商品。鶯歌區公所主秘李立仁表示,在新太源、弘鶯陶等業者合mini storage下,業者目前規畫在鶯桃路永新巷、建國路區域成立「陶瓷工藝園區」,區所也從旁協助,希望能夠打響園區的能見度,讓遊客來到鶯歌,除了參訪陶博館、陶瓷老街外,也能來到陶園區一窺鶯歌在地陶瓷之美。園區籌備會也初步決定,將在永新巷口豎立陶瓷園區牌坊,建立識別標誌,同時將整合廠商,透過良性競爭,帶動陶瓷經濟,讓遊客不僅可以參觀工廠,還可透過購買、體驗等經驗累積,擴大鶯歌陶瓷及觀光產業的縱深。self storage


 香港文匯報訊(記者 毛絮薇)記者在大連專訪了香港半島酒店總經理陳娜嘉,迷你倉就半島集團旗下酒店未來發展、投資意向、員工福利以及最近完成的翻新裝修工作回答了記者提問。她介紹在半島酒店創業85周年之際,完成了投資達4億5千萬港元的翻新工程,因此半島酒店成了最老也最新的酒店。客房科技設施首屈一指 新裝修裡尤其引人注目的是客房科技設施部分,床邊及書桌上的互動觸控式控制面板有五種語文顯示(英文、法文、繁、簡體中文以及日文),可以按客人選擇預先設定,調節房間內的燈光、空調、窗簾、電視,以及與酒店各服務部門聯絡點餐等。新增的大型會議中心、婚禮宴會廳,加上露台裝修,共耗資約7,800萬港元。陳娜嘉介紹,正在與集團爭取員工的五天工作日。酒店業員工一般都是五天半或者六天工作日,但陳娜嘉表示,現在香港的年輕人更加注重生活的品質,因此為了吸引更優秀的年輕人投入到半島集團,文件倉們計劃長期推行五天工作日。而且由於推動5天工作日,所以酒店需要多招收100名新員工,並計劃用兩年的時間培訓。陳娜嘉表示,區別於普通酒店的3個月培訓期,2年確實很長,但半島酒店這樣做可以培養員工用心服務,提高員工忠誠度。呼籲赴港旅客選投半島 對於酒店未來的投資走向,陳娜嘉表示,目前半島酒店在中國一共有香港、北京、上海三家酒店,我們也考慮可否在二線城市投資半島酒店,但由於半島酒店投資比較大,因此考慮在某地投資,將是一個很漫長的過程。陳娜嘉透露,明年巴黎半島酒店將建成,最近簽署了在緬甸仰光和英國倫敦的半島酒店計劃。「雖然半島集團旗下只有9家酒店,但悠久的歷史是區別於其他酒店的地方,我們把這些不同之處,推廣給大連的遊客,大連對我們來說是一個比較重要的城市,去香港的遊客和會議都很多,我們很希望借助來此舉辦活動,吸引更多的大連遊客去香港,選擇香港半島酒店。」存倉



I have no idea/ideas

讀者Miss Yeung 問:"I have no idea" 和"I have no ideas" 有何分別? 人家詢問你的意見、想法時,新蒲崗迷你倉而自己心�完全沒有念頭, 那時候用"I have no idea" 或"I have no ideas" 都可以。譬如說,在陌生地區一位旅客向你問路: 遊客: Is there a bank nearby, please? (請問附近有銀行嗎?) 你: I'm sorry, but I'm new to the area, too.(對不起,我也是剛到這�。) 遊客: Any idea where I can find a money changer?(那你可知道哪�有外幣找換店嗎?) 你:I have no idea/ I have no mini storagedeas.(我真的完全想不出來。) 這種情�下,"I have no idea" 和"I have no ideas" 兩種用法都可以使用。 當用在that-clause 前,雖然意思還是和上文所說一樣, 但只可用"I have noidea"。例如:你分別認識A 和B 多年,一天突然發現他們是一對夫婦,你出奇地說: I had no idea that you two are married. Word PuzzleAnswers 1. postbag; 2. round; 3. inferno; 4. safety; 5. rowdy; 6. cascade;7. stable; 8. stretcher; 9. neighs. Hidden word: suffocate. self storage

搶看金城武樹 遊客衝突擾住戶

台東縣池上鄉伯朗大道上的「金城武樹」,self storage近2個月遊客始終不減,有部分遊客因拍照、會車等問題出現衝突,甚至鬧上派出所。附近住戶、農民作息也飽受干擾,不少人埋怨現在只有睡覺的時間比較清靜。自從金城武在池上拍了廣告,他在廣告中坐著喝茶的樹就有了「金城武樹」的稱號,也成了當地新景點,即使是颱風天,也有遊客到場拍照,但也因遊客太多,出現許多糾紛,當地錦安派出所員警工作因此大增。關山警分局表示,當地平均2、3天就會有遊客在路上大罵,有時是拍照時擋到或不小心入鏡,有時是停車、會車塞住農路,最嚴重時1天要處理3件案件。前天就有1輛遊覽車闖進禁止大客車進入迷你倉農路,占去一半以上路面,在金城武樹附近,但對向的轎車卡在路口,雙方互不相讓,2名駕駛停著車子下車對罵,僵持近半小時,才在其他遊客勸導下改道離開。附近住戶談起遊客幾乎都罵聲不絕,除了缺乏公德心的遊客經常亂扔垃圾進田裡,也覺得生活的安寧受到影響。近期就有1位老農民在田裡施肥,被遊客誤認為他在噴農藥,破口大罵「你沒看到我們這麼多人,是要毒死大家嗎?」老農現場氣到說不出話,回家也吃不下飯。他們說,現在大概只有晚上睡覺才比較清靜,白天車子一輛接一輛,很多駕駛人開得又快又急,而且不認識路到處亂闖,出入都要注意自己的安全,「真的很懷念以前的平靜生活」。文件倉


北界朝陽人民檢察院正式起訴上月在首都機場,self storage引爆爆炸裝置的殘疾男子冀中星(圖)。冀中星自覺受不公正對待。二十日,他在機場三號客運大樓一個旅客出口引爆自製爆炸裝置,令自己重傷、一名警員受輕傷,亦令機場秩序混亂,通道要緊急關閉。根據內地法規,以爆炸方式危害公眾安全,但未構成嚴重後果,會判囚處三年至十年。

中華電 七度蟬聯電信業第一

 【本報記者蔡秀娥台北報導】中華電信善盡社會責任,新蒲崗迷你倉連續第七年贏得「天下企業公民獎」,並在資通信業者中排名最佳。中華電信運用自有的ICT核心能力,為社會創造價值,提升台灣消費者生活品質,成果屢受社會大眾肯定。由天下雜誌主辦的2013「天下企業公民獎」,以「公司治理」、「企業承諾」、「社會參與」、「環境保護」四大面向做為評分標準。中華電信秉承著「綠色企業、數位雨林」的企業精神,積極落實及內化企業社會責任,從200mini storage年成立企業社會責任委員會以來,完成電信業第一次溫室氣體盤查、莫拉克颱風緊急救災及重建復興、發行企業社會責任年報……等無數個里程碑。中華電信執行副總謝繼茂表示:「中華電信不僅將社會關懷觀念落實到每一個員工,同時,也期望帶動業界重視企業社會責任的風潮。中華電信將持續秉持永續經營的企業理念,關懷員工、回饋客戶,善盡企業社會責任,為國內消弭城鄉數位落差,從社會企業的角度,為台灣人民創造價值,並為環境永續發展付諸努力。」self storage

2013年8月28日 星期三

Venice plans canal crackdown

未能提供文字內容。.self storagescmp.com/news/world/article/1300150/mayor-venice-plans-canal-safety-crackdown-after-tourist-dies


本報訊(記者楊雲龍)日前,迷你倉價錢沃3G掌上長沙銷售系統正式上線,全面進軍 集團智能辦公業務。用戶直接下載就可以使用,無需安裝。該系統由中國聯通長沙分公司、長沙晚報報業集團和長沙朋順電子科技合力推出,採用了電腦綁定技術,一旦與特定電腦綁定,在其他電腦上無法登錄,消除了賬號信息泄漏的隱患;採用直觀的顯示界面,讓經銷商可以清楚地跟蹤每一筆資金的流向,讓財務結算更快捷;還可實現3G入網、連機帶號銷售、號碼繳費、集團放號等多種功能。針對坐等迷你倉費者進店上門這種業內通行的"守株待兔"式的營銷模式,該系統進行了顛覆性改進,並為掌上長沙特供智能手機的代理商設計了一套"走出店面進行集團放號"的業務模式,還為代理商特別制定了"首次傭金+在網獎勵+終端補貼"的全新盈利模式。據悉,代理商對集團放號方案可自行靈活設計,如免保證金送手機或自有產品,針對行業用戶開發定制APP軟件等,代理商還可獲得高達套餐資費45%-50%的傭金返利。代理商可致電本報熱線96333或85181532詳詢。新蒲崗迷你倉

Medicaid subcommittee hears testimony from HMOs

Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioAug.存倉 28--More than 100 members of state and local health organizations packed a CareSource meeting room Tuesday in downtown Dayton to hear testimony before members of the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Medicaid.Dayton was the final stop on the senators' statewide tour, which drew health care providers and Medicaid HMOs who support Gov. John Kasich's proposal to expand Medicaid coverage to about 270,000 newly eligible enrollees as originally called for under the Affordable Care Act.Representatives from Aetna Better Health of Ohio, Buckeye Community Health Plan and other private insurers -- who contract with the state to enroll Medicaid recipients in health plans that they administer -- told the subcommittee that while the Medicaid system may be flawed, providing health coverage for low-income residents is better than leaving them with no coverage because the cost to care for the uninsured falls on the state.In addition, Medicaid improves access to care, lowers unmet health care needs and results in better health outcomes and a better quality of life for Ohio's low income residents.Without a Medicaid expansion, thousands of Ohioans will fall through the health coverage cracks, including about 4,000 residents enrolled in the Montgomery County Care health care program that provides a primary care medical home for adults earning up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level.The pilot program was funded through the county's human services levy. But funding will dry up next year, leaving enrollees who are not eligible for Medicaid and do not have access to o迷你倉her health care in the lurch, Janet Grant, executive vice president of CareSource, told the subcommittee."The idea was to bridge that funding through until implementation of Medicaid expansion in 2014" as originally proposed in the ACA, said Grant, who's company administers the program. "So it's a program at risk, given some of the discussions happening here in Ohio. Obviously, that's a concern to use because those are individuals who are making use of affordable and effective health care today."State legislators who stripped the proposed Medicaid expansion from Kasich's two-year budget proposal argue that expanding Medicaid would be too costly to the state in the long run.While acknowledging the program has flaws, most of the HMOs presented examples of how improved access to care can drive down costs and improve the quality of health outcomes. One way to accomplish this is through Medicaid payment reform that rewards providers for quality outcomes rather than the volume of services they provide."Working with the (Kasich) administration, the Medicaid managed care plans are implementing innovative strategies to move payment models toward paying for quality outcomes versus volume of services," Dr. Craig Thiele, CareSource's chief medical officer, told the subcommittee. "Not only will this result in healthier Ohioans, administrative efficiencies an cost savings will ultimately accrue to Ohio's Medicaid program."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, real estate briefs

Source: AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 28--MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES TO EXPAND IN IRAQ WITH BASRA OFFICE: Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has announced it will open an office in the second-largest city in Iraq, on September 1, Japan Today has reported. The new office in Basra will function as a base for flexible sales support and information gathering activities, and help the firm respond swiftly to emerging large-scale social infrastructure improvement projects, the company said.DUBAI MUNICIPALITY RECORDS OVER 6,700 BUILDING VIOLATIONS: The municipality of Dubai has said the majority of the 6,747 violations building inspectors recorded in the past six months comprised illegal additions and unapproved partitions, Gulf News has reported. "Most of the violators had been booked for constructing additions without obtaining a licence," said acting director at the Building Department, Marwan Abdulla. Other violations included accommodating bachelors in residential areas, two families staying in one flat and using the building for purposes other than what is permitted.GALFAR SETS RECORD DATE FOR RIGHTS ISSUE: Omani construction firm, Galfar Engineering and Contracting Co has set September 1 as the record date for its upcoming OR13.86m rights issue, Muscat Daily has reported. The proceeds from the issue will be used to boost the firm's balance sheet and support long-term growth, said Galfar. The company had reported a 56 percent jump in net profit to OR5.04m in the first half of 2013, compared with OR3.23m in the same period last year.KSA APPROVES NEW CITY PROJECT NEAR MAKKAH: The governor of Makkah, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal has approved the master plan for a new residential and administrative city outside the holy city to accommodate more than 600,000 people, Arab News has reported. The Makkah Gate project to be developed on the Makkah-Jeddah Highway with private sector support, will have 45 model districts. Spanning an area of 83 million sq m, the project will include educational institutions, government offices, shopping centres, housing units and a national park.QATAR PRIMARY MATERIALS TO EXPAND GABBRO FACILITY: Qatar Primary Materials Co (QPMC) has awarded FLSmidth and Six Construct an EPC contract for the design and engineering of the Gabbro Terminal Expansion Project in Mesaieed, the Peninsula has reported. The project includes an integrated set of conveyors, dust suppression systems, sub-stations and stackers. The Gabbro Terminal Expansion Project will help import large volumes of gabbro, as well as reduce truck traffic into the gabbro berths.SAUDI ARABIA RECRUITED 33 PERCENT MORE FOREIGN CONSTRUCTION WORKERS IN 2012: The Saudi labour ministry has said the number of work visas issued to the country's construction sector accounted for 58 percent of the total work visas issued by the ministry last year, Arab News has reported. In 2012, the ministry issued nearly 1.6 million work visas, of which 900,000 were allocated to the building and construction sector, it said.NAKHEEL REPAID LENDERS DHS197M: Dubai's Nakheel has said it has repaid interest and profit payments of Dhs197m to its lenders in compliance with its restructuring requirements, Wam has reported. "We remain focused on meeting our commitments in accordance with the terms set out in our company restructure and revised business plan," said a Nakheel spokesman.UK'S CARILLION UPBEAT OVER UAE PROSPECTS: UK-based Carillion has said it expects to announce more contract wins in the UAE in coming months, as the construction and support services firm braces for an uptick in construction activity in the Middle East, Reuters has reported. "The UAE, Abu Dhabi and Dubai have been slow, but we are starting to see signs of improvement in those economies," CEO Richard Howson said. "We've won nearly pounds sterling 600m of the work in the last 6-8 months in the UAE and we expect that we'll announce further wins over the next couple of months there," he said. The firm's Middle East construction arm accounts for a tenth of its business.SAUDIS HOUSING LOAN APPLICANTS TOPPED ALLOCATED BUDGET: Abdullah Al-Ahmari, chairman of the real estate evaluation committee at Saudi Arabia's Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry has said the kingdom needs more than three million new housing units to meet the demand of its low-income citizens, Arab News has reported. "This is in addition to the 700,000 who had applied before at the Real Estate Development Fund," Al-Ahmari added. "The number of applicants exceeds the allocated budget, as they would require SR1.5trn to be covered. That's why the finalised mechanism was made to work on having the existing budget go to those most deserving, being at the top of the list, regardless of the date of the application."EMIRATIS TOP INVESTORS IN OMAN'S PROPERTY MARKET: The Omani housing ministry has said that GCC nationals have concluded 3,376 property deals in 2012, up 0.9 percent over the previous year, Muscat Daily has reported. UAE nationals topped the list with 1,694 properties, followed by Kuwaitis with 1,286, Qataris with 195, Bahrainis with 125 and Saudis with 76. Emiratis own properties across the sultanate with the majority being in the governorates of North Batinah, Musandam, Dhahirah and Buraimi. Meanwhile, Kuwaitis own properties in the governorates of Batinah and Dhofar.ARABTEC CONSIDERING MERGER DEALS IN SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT: Hasan Abdullah Ismaik, CEO of Arabtec Holding has said the UAE's largest construction company is considering mini storage merger with the biggest contractors in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, Bloomberg has reported. "We are now mulling mergers with the two biggest construction companies in the Gulf, one is in Saudi and one is in Kuwait," Ismaik told CNBC Arabia without naming the other companies. "The benefits will be felt by the shareholders and the market."24 SAUDI FIRMS FINED FOR MIDDAY WORK BAN VIOLATION: The Saudi labour ministry has said 24 businesses, including contractors, have been fined for violating the kingdom's midday work ban during the summer season, Arab News has reported. "In the past few weeks, the ministry has fined only 24 businesses out of a total of 74 which have undergone inspection," said Faisal Al-Otaibi, general director of inspection at the ministry. Under the ministry's rules, no employee should be asked to work under the sun from 12 to 3 p.m. from July to August, to lower their exposure to extreme sunlight.SAUDI ARABIA AWARDS CONTRACTS TO BUILD 40,000 HOMES: The Saudi government has signed contracts worth SR4bn to develop eight residential districts in different parts of the country comprising some 40,000 homes, Arab News has reported. The deals involve the development of 26 million sq me of plots in Jeddah, Madinah, Dammam, Al-Ahsa, Qatif, Tabuk and Al-Kharj to house 250,000 people, said housing minister, Shuwaish Al-Duwaihi. "We'll sign more contracts in the coming months to build homes in Asir, Najran, Baha, Makkah, Riyadh, Qassim, Hail, Al-Jouf, Northern Border Region and Tabuk," said Al-Duwaihi.ZHP TO EVALUATE 880 NEW HOUSING APPLICATIONS: The UAE's Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme (ZHP) has accepted a total of 880 applications, Wam has reported. The applications are yet to be finalised pending an assessment of the applicants to see whether they meet the programme's criteria. The approval will be made some time this year. Last week, the programme approved a total of 800 applications that were submitted from 2006 to December 29, 2009, to beneficiaries earning less than Dhs10,000 a month.SAUDI TO EXCLUDE HIGH EARNERS FROM HOUSING INITIATIVE: The Saudi housing ministry has said citizens with annual earnings exceeding SR150,000 will be excluded from the 500,000 housing units' programme, Arab News has reported. The ministry also plans to exclude some employees, including those working for Saudi Aramco and Sabic from the programmes, as their companies provide them with the various housing benefits, the report said.ARABTEC SAYS EGYPT OPERATIONS UNAFFECTED BY UNREST: UAE-based construction firm Arabtec Holding has said the civil unrest in Egypt has not affected its operations in Egypt, and that work is progressing according to schedule. "We are continuing with our operations in Egypt to ensure we are able to successfully meet the needs of our clients," said managing director and CEO of Arabtec, Hasan Abdullah Ismaik. "We will do our best to establish a strong presence in the Egyptian market, to take advantage of the high potentials it holds for us," he said.ABU DHABI TO DEVELOP FIVE NEW PARKS: The Abu Dhabi City municipality is set to launch construction works next month to build and develop five parks at Al Shamkha and Al Adlah in the emirate, Gulf News has reported. Spanning a total area of around 60,000 sq m, the parks will cater to the needs of the population and keep up with the overall urban expansion taking place in UAE capital city and metropolitan areas. "The municipality attaches utmost attention to the design of parks by tailoring a unique and distinctive theme for each park by adopting a specific selection of aesthetic elements, perpetuating sustainability concepts through using quality materials, using advanced energy-efficient lighting systems, and rationalising consumption of irrigation water," said director of parks and recreational facilities at the municipality, Rashid Al Falasi.SIEMENS AWARDS AL HASSAN DHS69M DEAL: Siemens has awarded Al Hassan Engineering Co Abu Dhabi, which is controlled by Oman's Al Hassan Engineering Co (AHEC), a Dhs69.45m sub-contract for civil and associated building works for the new 400/220/33kV substation at Mirfa, Abu Dhabi, Muscat Daily has reported. "This is subject to the approval of the end-client Transco. The work is expected to be completed by August 2014 and we expect reasonable income from this project," AHEC said.KSA APPROVED SR87.1BN IN CONSTRUCTION DEALS UNTIL JUNE-END: The Saudi finance ministry has approved 1,311 construction projects in the first half of the current fiscal year, worth a total of SR87.1bn, Arab News has reported. Of the total, 302 contracts were allocated for municipal and rural projects at a cost of SR8.95bn, while 129 contracts were allocated for roads and other infrastructure projects at a cost of SR20.61bn.DANUBE RECORDS 12 PERCENT GROWTH IN H1 SALES: Rizwan Sajanm chairman of Danube Building Material has said construction demand in the UAE and other Gulf countries will help the Dubai-based firm achieve its Dhs2bn sales target, Khaleej Times has reported. "We recorded 12 percent growth in sales during the first six months of 2013 and are confident to maintain the same growth rate by the end of the year," Sajan told the daily. Last year, Danube opened two showrooms in Libya and Kenya, and "will continue to expand in Africa with new showrooms in Ethiopia and Tunisia," he said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Visit AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) at .ameinfo.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage